Learning Redux for React Native
- Apply immutable, reselect in App page
- Update to asynchronous redux
- Add network request
- Add redux-thunk, redux-logger(judgement develop or production mode)
- Add ESLint code checking
- Add Pre-commit checking
- Add redux-persist persistence
- Base simple redux sample
- Update the package.json, add some scripts items for launch iOS simulators
- Add immutable, immutable-redux, reselect packages
- Add pre-commit code checking
- Rename project to learningRedux
- Refactor configureStore, add network XHR file, add eslint rule
- Refactor action creators and store
- Refactor project code
- Update the redux-logger config, logger is perfect work
- Inject store into Proiver child element(App)
- Add redux-thunk into project
- Fix eslint error