A Umeng lib for React Native
$ npm install --save rn-umeng
$ rnpm link rn-umeng
$ npm install --save rn-umeng
Module Source:
ReactInstanceManager.builder() ...
.addPackage(new UmengPackage())
protected void onResume() {
protected void onPause() {
The api mapping below
React Native Side | iOS Side | Android Side |
startWithAppkey(string) | startWithAppkey(NSString) | AnalyticsConfig.setAppkey(String appkey) |
startWithAppkeyAndChannel(string,string) | N/A | UMAnalyticsConfig(Context context, String appkey, String channelId) |
setAppVersion(string) | setAppVersion(string) | Not need to set it |
setDebugMode(bool) | setLogEnabled(BOOL) | MobclickAgent.setDebugMode( true ) |
enableEncrypt(boole) | setEncryptEnabled(BOOL) | AnalyticsConfig.enableEncrypt(boolean enable) |
setCrashReportEnabled(boole) | setCrashReportEnabled(BOOL) | MobclickAgent.setCatchUncaughtExceptions(false) |
onEvent(string) | event:(NSString *)eventId | MobclickAgent.onEvent(Context context, String eventId) |
onEvent(string,{key:"value"}) | onEvent:(NSString *)eventId attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes | MobclickAgent.onEvent(Context context, String eventId, HashMap map) |
onEvent(string,{key:"value"},0) | onEvent:(NSString *)eventId attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes counter:(NSString *)counter | MobclickAgent.onEventValue(Context context, String id, Map<String,String> m, int du) |
onProfileSignIn('ID') | profileSignInWithPUID:(NSString *)puid | onProfileSignIn(String ID) |
onProfileSignIn('ID','Provider') | profileSignInWithPUID:(NSString *)puid provider:(NSString *)provider | onProfileSignIn(String Provider, String ID) |
onProfileSignOff() | profileSignOff | onProfileSignOff() |
onPageStart(string) | beginLogPageView:(NSString *)pageName | MobclickAgent.onPageStart(String pageName) |
onPageEnd(string) | endLogPageView:(NSString *)pageName | MobclickAgent.onPageEnd(String pageName) |
onLogPageViewInseconds('pageName',10) | logPageView:pageName seconds:seconds | N/A |
openActivityDurationTrack(boole) | N/A | MobclickAgent.openActivityDurationTrack(boolean value) |
onResume() | N/A | MobclickAgent.onResume() |
onPause() | N/A | MobclickAgent.onPause() |
getDeviceInfo((infoStr)=>{}) | getDeviceInfo | getDeviceInfo |
In your project code
import MobclickAgent from 'rn-umeng';
MobclickAgent.startWithAppkey('your appkey');
- support RN 0.40
- fix error in LazyReactPackage
- add Android channel set
- add Android lib (but Manually,rnpm link not works,fix later)
- update readme.md
- Project initialization