
Sample project demonstrating how you can display the pasteboard menu on an UILabel.

Primary LanguageObjective-C

CopyLabel: UILabel on steroids

This version of CopyLabel adds additional functionality to zoul's original repo:

  • The code uses ARC. If you're using this code in a non-ARC project, make sure to add -fobjc-arc to the compiler flags of CopyLabel.m
  • When highlightedTextColor is set, the entire label highlights when the menu is visible
  • By default, the label copies its text to the clipboard. However, you can set a custom copy action by calling - (void)setTarget:(id)target forCopyAction:(SEL)action;. This functionality is demonstrated in the sample project.

Original Readme by zoul

This is a simple project demonstrating how you can display the system pasteboard menu on a regular UILabel. The interesting code is in the CopyLabel.m class. Originally motivated by this question on Stack Overflow. Released to public domain under the CC0 license.