
dwellingly api production pipeline (connected to heroku)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

How to set up Dwelling Flask Testing Backend. NOTE: no database setup here. Backend uses list-based live data

Setup Python on your system

Link to Guide


pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt


flask run 

###Established Endpoints


method route action
POST v1/users/ Creates a new user
GET v1/users/ Gets all users
GET v1/users/:uid Gets a single user
PATCH v1/users/:uid Updates a single user
PUT v1/users/:uid Archives a single user
DELETE v1/users/:uid Deletes a single user
        "name": "Default User",
        "password": "userPassword",
        "username": "defaultUser",
        "email": "user1@dwellingly.com",
        "archived": "false",
        "uid": "user0",
        "role": {
                    "isAdmin": "true",
                    "isPropertyManager": "false",
                    "isStaff": "false"


method route action
POST v1/properties/ Creates a new property
GET v1/properties/ Gets all properties
GET v1/properties/:uid Gets a single property
PATCH v1/properties/:uid Updates a single property
PUT v1/properties/:uid Archives a single property
DELETE v1/properties/:uid Deletes a single property
    "id": "property1",
    "name": "Garden Blocks",
    "address": "1654 NE 18th Ave.",
    "zipCode": "97218",
    "city": "Portland",
    "state": "OR"


method route action
POST v1/emergencyNumbers/ Creates a new emergency number
GET v1/emergencyNumbers/ Gets all emergency numbers
GET v1/emergencyNumbers/:uid Gets a single emergency number
PATCH v1/emergencyNumbers/:uid Updates a single emergency number
PUT v1/emergencyNumbers/:uid Archives a single emergency number
DELETE v1/emergencyNumbers/:uid Deletes a single emergency number
        "id": "00000001",
        "name": "Test Number 1",
        "type": "user",
        "userid": "user1",
        "number": "555-55-1234"


method route action
POST v1/tenants/ Creates a new tenant
GET v1/tenants/ Gets all tenants
GET v1/tenants/:uid Gets a single tenant
PATCH v1/tenants/:uid Updates a single tenant
PUT v1/tenants/:uid Archives a single tenant
DELETE v1/tenants/:uid Deletes a single tenant
    "id": "tenent1",
    "dateCreated": "Thu Aug 23 2018 16:40:35 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)",
    "dateUpdated": "Thu Aug 23 2018 15:54:48 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)",
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "firstName": "Will",
    "phone": "503-555-1234",
    "lease": "LEASE2",
    "propertyid": "property1"


method route action
POST v1/tickets/ Creates a new ticket
GET v1/tickets/ Gets all tickets
GET v1/tickets/:uid Gets a single ticket
PATCH v1/tickets/:uid Updates a single ticket
PUT v1/tickets/:uid Archives a single ticket
DELETE v1/tickets/:uid Deletes a single ticket
    "id": "ticket1",
    "issue": "Unpaid Rent",
    "tenant": {
            "tenent_id": "defaultUser"
    "sender": {
      "name": "Donald Davis",
      "number": "541-123-4567",
      "email": "DD@dwellingly.com"
    "sent": "Sat Oct 06 2018 11:00:08 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)",
    "status": "New",
    "urgency": "High",
    "notes": [
        "id": "K-0089ttxqQX-1",
        "userID": "defaultUser",
        "sent": "Sat Oct 06 2018 11:00:08 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)",
        "message": "Thanks, Tom."
        "id": "K-0089ttxqQX-2",
        "userID": "defaultUser3",
        "sent": "Today 3:25pm",
          "I plan to meet with Megan today. Thank you for contacting JOIN with this issue."
        "id": "K-0089ttxqQX-3",
        "name": "Tara Mckenzie",
        "sent": "Today 12:40pm",
          "This is the third time we have had to deal with late rent. Please speak to tenant ASAP."


method route action
POST v1/leases/ Creates a new lease
GET v1/leases/ Gets all leases
GET v1/leases/:uid Gets a single lease
PATCH v1/leases/:uid Updates a single lease
PUT v1/leases/:uid Archives a single lease
DELETE v1/leases/:uid Deletes a single lease
        "id" :"LEASE1",
        "propertyId": "property-01",
        "dateStart": "Sat Oct 06 2018 11:00:08 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)",
        "dateEnd": "Thu Dec 06 2018 11:00:08 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)",
        "unit": "1D",
        "dateUpdated": "Thu Sep 06 2018 11:00:08 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)"