
Sass renderer plugin for Hexo (use dartsass instead of libsass)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Sass renderer plugin for Hexo using Dart Sass

npm version


$ npm install --save hexo-renderer-dartsass


Anything specified under the key sass in your _config.yml files will be passed directly to the sass.render() call. Check out the Dart Sass API docs for all available settings.


  1. Export some handy hexo related global functions to the Sass compiler context like mamboer/hexo-renderer-scss.
    • hexo-config($key)

      Now you can use hexo-config function in your 'scss' files to access your hexo app's site configuration.

      $highlight_theme: hexo-config('highlight_theme')
    • hexo-theme-config($key)

      Similar to the hexo-config, you can use hexo-theme-config to access your hexo theme's configuration.


  outputStyle: expanded # "expanded" or "compressed"


The config object passed to dart sass is constructed by merging properties from the following locations using a least-specific-first order:

  1. Theme specific _config.yml
  2. Blog root _config.yml
  3. Since file is the path to be rendered, config is ignored. The same applies to data.


This plugin was created with reference to knksmith57/hexo-renderer-sass. Thank you for publishing the nice software.