
Enables the creation of Algolia search indexes and the indexing of Xperience content tree pages using a code-first approach.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Xperience by Kentico Algolia

7-day bug-fix policy CI: Build and Test NuGet Package


This integration enables you to create Algolia search indexes to index content of pages (content types with the 'Page' feature enabled) from the Xperience content tree using a code-first approach. To provide a search interface for the indexed content, developers can use the .NET API, JavaScript API, or the InstantSearch.js library.

Library Version Matrix

Xperience Version Library Version
>= 29.0.0 >= 4.1.0
28.x >= 3.x
>= 26.2.0, < 27.0.0 2.x


Package Installation

Add the package to your application using the .NET CLI

dotnet add package Kentico.Xperience.Algolia

Quick Start

  1. Add configuration from your Algolia account to the ASP.NET Core appsettings.json file:

    "CMSAlgoliaSearch": {
        "ApplicationId": "<your application ID>",
        "ApiKey": "<your Indexing API key>",
        "SearchKey": "<your Search API key>"
  2. Define a custom DefaultAlgoliaIndexingStrategy implementation to customize how content pages/content items are processed for the index. See Custom-index-strategy.md

  3. Add this library to the application services, registering your custom DefaultAlgoliaIndexingStrategy and Algolia services

    // Program.cs
  4. Create an index in Xperience's Administration within the Search application added by this library. Administration search edit form

  5. Rebuild the index in Xperience's Administration within the Search application added by this library. Administration search edit form

  6. Display the results on your site with a Razor View 👍.

Full Instructions

View the Usage Guide for more detailed instructions.


To see the guidelines for Contributing to Kentico open source software, please see Kentico's CONTRIBUTING.md for more information and follow the Kentico's CODE_OF_CONDUCT.

Instructions and technical details for contributing to this project can be found in Contributing Setup.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md for more information.


7-day bug-fix policy

This project has Full support by 7-day bug-fix policy.

See SUPPORT.md for more information.


For any security issues see Kentico's SECURITY.md.