
A minecraft modpack for internal use

Primary LanguageJavaScript


pack header


Over 100 mods which bring...

  • A massive amount of new game content
  • Improved social features
  • Overhauled world generation
  • Countless quality of life improvements
  • New play styles and mechanics
  • Custom balancing to distribute complexity accross late game content
  • Designed for modpack beginners and connoisseurs alike

All while respecting the vanilla game experience.

Mod Highlights

  • Create
  • Bewitchment
  • Ad Astra
  • ComputerCraft
  • Farmers Delight
  • Haema
  • Campanion
  • Friends And Foes
  • Adorn
  • Immersive Paintings
  • Better End
  • Better Nether
  • Oh The Biomes You'll Go
  • Terralith
  • Cave Enhancements
  • YUNG's mods
  • Waystones
  • Lootr
  • Map Atlas
  • Spirit
  • Vitalize
  • Reaper
  • and many more!

First Time Installation

MultiMC/Prism Launcher

Useful Tutorials and References

Roughly Enough Items

Easy inventory recipe searching


When in doubt use the search feature


Gearpunk automation, trains, moving builds, and more


Developer's Saved Youtube Playlists

Search @create in roughly enough items, hover over an entry and hold the w key for an interactive guide.

Tips and Tricks Video

Computer Craft

Working computers


Video Tutorials

Let's Play Series

Lua Script Reference

Lua Script Tutorials

Visual Studio Code Setup Video

Type help in the computer for more info.

Kenzie's Notes

Recipies have been tweaked to be late game content (check roughly enough items)

Wired Redstone

Compact redstone and logic gates

Mod Page


Fast travel and checkpoints


Map Atlas

Minimap using vanilla maps

Mod Page

Mouse Wheelie

Item retrieval enhancements and sorting

Mod Page

Item Swapper

Quick item pie menus and popup menus

Mod Page

Overview Video

Creating Custom Pallettes Video

Farmers Delight

More farming and cooking stuff


Video Tutorial


Witchcraft and the occult


Kenzie's Notes

Brooms have been removed due to instability
Waystones have been removed since duplicate functionality


Vampire campaign

Video Tutorial

Friends and Foes

Rejected mobs from past mob votes


Better Nether

Nether overhaul again


Better End

End overhaul


Oh the Biomes you'll go

More biomes and blocks


Ad Astra


Video Tutorial

Kenzie's Notes

Recipies have been tweaked to be late game content (check roughly enough items)
The hammer item has been removed, please use create compacting instead
Oil wells have been removed from the ocean (bleh) and now require create mixing fire charge and ink sacks


Camping Trip


Rope has been merged with farmers delight
Rope bridges have been removed due to bugs and incompatibility
Backpacks have had recipes removed as they delete items upon death in keep inventory
Tip: use a soul campfire to ward off mobs


Furniture and more

Video Tutorial

Immersive paintings

Custom painting images

Mod Page

Joy of Painting

Paint happy little trees in minecraft

Mod Page


Shared loot

Video Explanation


Custom mob spawners in survival as well as harnessing soul power


Video Tutorial


Generate electricity from death with the spirit mod

Mod Page


Simulate the death of mobs with the spirit mod

Video Demo


Multiplayer is provided via minecraft.kenziemac130.com. This comes preconfigured as part of the pack. The vanilla servers will still be running and maintained alongside this.

Should you wish to host your own server: this modpack has been configured to work with simple voice chat and given a compatibility layer for the velocity proxy.



Report Bugs

Known Issues

Resource Pack Order

Sometimes upon pack updates new resource packs will be introduced which will be in a different order for different users. This causes some features like texture pack enhancements and item wheels to use their default configuration. This is a Mojang problem as the resource pack list is stored in the options.txt which I do not want to overwrite every update. I am working on a solution to this issue.

Workaround: when you notice an update occur go to your Options->Resource Packs and make sure kenziepack is always on top using the arrows on the icons.