BLYRIC is a Twitter bot that tweets a song lyric every night.

Primary LanguagePython


BLYRIC, a bot that tweets a song lyric every night.

Follow on Twitter: @blyric_


BLYRIC is a Twitter bot that tweets a song quote every night.

Here's an example of a daily tweet:

The lyrics are based on a personal playlist.
In a future, the idea is to allow users to request their favorite songs to be able to be tweeted by BLYRIC. It was possible in a first draft, but didn't work so well.


BLYRIC is coded in Python 3.9.5, and works with Twitter API and Genius API.

Its lyrics data is stored in a Google Sheets, being read and updated by Google Sheets API

It is hosted on Heroku, for free.

BLYRIC executes some steps everyday:

  • Connect to YouTube API
  • Connect to Twitter API
  • Conncet to Genius API
  • Import the personal playlist
  • Tweets the daily lyric
  • Send e-mail report