
Exist Code Camp Final Project - Web Based Electoral Process (powered by RoR)

Primary LanguageRuby

Final Project Specifications

  • Online poll for each position

  • Registration of voters

  • Voting

  • Real-time counts of votes for each candidate



Login, Email, Password


Name, Address, Voter’s ID, Birth Date, District Code, Provincial Code, City/Municipality Code, Email, Voted, Activated



  • Admin can create, update, delete voter records

  • Voter activation/confirmation

    Voter enters voter's id, birth date, email to a web form
    Observer to fields detects if all fields are filled up
    Observer sends request to server (AJAX) for validation
    Server replies
    IF voter is registered
      Show submit button and email link to ballot
    IF voter is NOT registered
      Show error message that voter is not registered (This should not be descriptive for security reasons)

Candidate Records

  • A prepopulated database of candidates should exist (use migration of default values using YAML)

  • 2 provinces + Metro Manila

  • 3 municipalities in each province

  • All municipalities and cities in Metro Manila

  • 2 districts per municipality or city

  • No create form!!

  • Fixed data for provinces, city/municipality, district

  • Should have candidates table

  • Name, votes, position, level (can be national, provincial_name, city/municipal_name, district_name) (polymorphism)

  • Create rake task for startup

Actual Vote

  • Ballot form based on municipality, district, and province of voter

  • Abstain is possible

  • No flying voter

  • Rules on number of votes

    President      -  1
    Vice President -  1
    Senators       - 12
    Governor       -  1
    Vice Governor  -  1
    Mayor          -  1
    Vice Mayor     -  1
    Councilors     -  6
    Congressman    -  1
  • Don’t keep track of user’s votes

  • Once form is submitted, update number of votes

Showing Results

  • Show real-time updated votes

  • Always show national positions

  • Local positions when user selects from a list of provinces or municipality

  • The page should be asynchronously updated or refreshed every five minutes to reflect the updated vote count


Administrator can post the presidential and vice presidential results/vote count updates to a Facebook account pre-configured in the system