
Springboard Section 37 Jobly: Fullstack job search application

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A restful API that models a jobs database for tracking companies, jobs, and job applications. Users can retrieve information about companies and job postings. Logged in users can apply for jobs. Admins can post/update/delete jobs and manage users.


  • Database of companies, jobs, job applications, and users in PostgreSQL
  • Backend written in Node.js using Express
  • RESTful API to interact with the database
  • Implements Role based authorization system using signed JWTs
  • Unit testing suite using Jest and Supertest
  • SQL files of test data


Frontend Repo

The repository for the React frontend is https://github.com/Keparoo/React-Jobly

Getting Started

Clone the repo by running

git clone https://github.com/Keparoo/Jobly

Key Dependencies

  • node.js
  • postgreSQL
  • express 4.17.1
  • pg 8.3.0
  • jsonwebtoken 8.5.1
  • jsonschema 1.2.6
  • bcrypt 5.0.0
  • cors 2.8.5
  • jest 27.3.1
  • supertest 5.0.0
    See the package.json file and package-lock.json file for more info on dependencies

Installation and Database Setup

To install npm packages:

npm i

Database Setup

The project uses PostgreSQL databases

  • Create two databases: One for testing and one for development:
createdb jobly
createdb jobly_test

To change the database URIs, edit the config.js file

To create the database tables and seed with data, from the project directory:

psql < jobly.sql

Running the Server

Switch to the project directory
To run in development mode:

npm run dev

To run the server in producton mode:

npm start

Environment Variables

Create a .env file matching the template provided in the .env.example file.
The SECRET_KEY= variable must be set in order to properly sign the JWTs that are used for authentication. Set this variable to a good random string. If nothing is set the config.js file falls back to a weak key suitable only for development.

Authentication and Authorization

The project maintains a users table of registered users. Two roles are used for authentication: user and admin.

Roles & Permissions

  • Anonymous user (not logged in)
    Can view information about companies and job listings
  • User (logged in)
    Can view information about companies and job listings Can view their own user-table info Can post a job application
  • Admin (logged in)
    Can view all user, company, job, and application information Can post/edit/delete user, company, job and application information

A Bearer token must be sent in all request headers requiring logged in or higher permissions


To run the test suite:

npm test

To check the test-coverage of code:

npm coverage

There is currently 100% testing coverage.


The API is a restful API that returns json


GET /companies

  • General:

    • Returns a list of all companies in database
      • Authorization required: none
      • Request Arguments: Accepts 3 optional query strings to filter results:
        • minEmployees (integer)
        • maxEmployees (integer)
        • nameLike (string) case-insensitive, will make partial matches
      • Filter queries other than the above will be ignored
  "companies": [
      "handle": "ibm",
      "name": "IBM corp",
      "description": "Big Blue",
      "numEmployees": 100000,
      "logoUrl": "http://www.ibm.com"

GET /companies/<handle>

  • General:

    • Returns info on company mathching handle
    • Authorization required: none
    • Request arguments: None

Sample Return:

  "company": {
    "handle": "ibm",
    "name": "IBM corp",
    "description": "Big Blue",
    "numEmployees": 100000,
    "logoUrl": "http://www.ibm.com",
    "jobs": [
        "id": 1,
        "title": "Senior Developer",
        "salary": 50000,
        "equity": "0.2"

POST /companies

  • General:
    • Posts a new company to the database
    • Authorization required: admin
    • Request arguments: None
    • name, handle and description are required

Sample Request Body:

  "handle": "ibm",
  "name": "IBM corp",
  "description": "Big Blue",
  "numEmployees": 100000,
  "logoUrl": "http://www.ibm.com"

Sample Return:

  "company": {
    "handle": "ibm",
    "name": "IBM corp",
    "description": "Big Blue",
    "numEmployees": 100000,
    "logoUrl": "http://www.ibm.com"

PATCH /companies/<handle>

  • General:
    • Updates a company in the database
    • Authorization required: admin
    • Request arguments: None
    • name, description, numEmployees and logoUrl may be updated
    • one or all field may be updated in a single query

Sample Request Body (each field is optional)

  "name": "IBM corp",
  "description": "Big Blue",
  "numEmployees": 100000,
  "logoUrl": "http://www.ibm.com"

Sample Return:

  "company": {
    "name": "IBM corp",
    "description": "Big Blue",
    "numEmployees": 100000,
    "logoUrl": "http://www.ibm.com"

DELETE /companies/<handle>

  • General:
    • Deletes a company from the database
    • Authorization required: admin
    • Request arguments: None

Sample Return:

  "deleted": "ibm"

GET /jobs

  • General:
    • Returns a list of all jobs in database
    • Authorization required: none
    • Request Arguments: Accepts 3 optional query strings to filter results:
      • minSalary (integer)
      • hasEquity (boolean) true indicates equity is > '0.0'
      • title (string) case-insensitive, will make partial matches
    • Filter queries other than the above will be ignored

Sample Return:

  "jobs": [
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Senior programmer",
      "salary": 100000,
      "equity": "0.2",
      "companyHandle": "ibm",
      "companyName": "IBM corp"

GET /jobs/<job_id>

  • General:
    • Returns information about the job matching job_id
    • Authorization required: none

Sample Return:

  "job": {
    "id": 1,
    "title": "Senior programmer",
    "salary": 100000,
    "equity": "0.2",
    "company": {
      "handle": "ibm",
      "name": "IBM corp",
      "description": "Big Blue",
      "numEmployees": 10000,
      "logoUrl": "http://www.ibm.com"

POST /jobs

  • General:
    • Posts a new job to the database
    • Authorization required: admin
    • Request arguments: None
    • title and companyHandle are required

Sample Request Body:

  "title": "Senior developer",
  "salary": 100000,
  "equity": "0.2",
  "companyHandle": "ibm"

Sample Return:

  "job": {
    "title": "Senior developer",
    "salary": 100000,
    "equity": "0.2",
    "companyHandle": "ibm"

PATCH /jobs/<job_id>

  • General:
    • Updates a job in the database
    • Authorization required: admin
    • Request arguments: None
    • title, salary, and equity may be updated
    • one or all field may be updated in a single query

Sample Request Body (each field is optional)

  "title": "Senior developer",
  "salary": 100000,
  "equity": "0.2"

Sample Return:

  "id": 1,
  "title": "Senior developer",
  "salary": 100000,
  "equity": "0.2",
  "companyHandle": "ibm"

DELETE /companies/<handle>

  • General:
    • Deletes a job from the database
    • Authorization required: admin
    • Request arguments: None

Sample Return:

  "deleted": 1

GET /users

  • General:
    • Returns a list of all users in database
    • Authorization required: admin
    • Request arguments: None

Sample Return:

  "users": [
      "username": "testuser",
      "firstName": "Chris",
      "lastName": "Robbins",
      "email": "chris@chris.com"

GET /users/<username>

  • General:
    • Returns information about the user matching username
    • Authorization required: user (logged in)
    • A user is authorized to view info from their own account
    • Admin may view any user's information

Sample Return:

  "user": {
    "username": "testuser",
    "firstName": "Chris",
    "lastName": "Robbins",
    "isAdmin": false,
    "jobs": [1, 3, 47]

POST /users

  • General:
    • Posts a new user to the database
    • This is not a registration endpoint: This is an admin only enpoint to manage users
    • Authorization required: admin
    • Request arguments: None
    • username, firstName, lastName, password, and email are required

Sample Request Body:

  "username": "testuser",
  "firstName": "Chris",
  "lastName": "Robbins",
  "password": "password1",
  "email": "chris@chris.com",
  "isAdmin": false

Sample Return:

  "user": {
    "username": "testuser",
    "firstName": "Chris",
    "lastName": "Robbins",
    "email": "chris@chris.com",
    "isAdmin": false
  "token": "long-bearer-token-string"

PATCH /users/<username>

  • General:
    • Updates a user in the database
    • Authorization required: current logged in user or admin
    • Request arguments: None
    • firstName, lastName, password, and email may be updated
    • one or all field may be updated in a single query

Sample Request Body (each field is optional)

  "firstName": "Chris",
  "lastName": "Robbins",
  "password": "password1",
  "email": "chris@chris.com"

Sample Return:

  "user": {
    "username": "testuser",
    "firstName": "Chris",
    "lastName": "Robbins",
    "email": "chris@chris.com",
    "isAdmin": false

DELETE /users/<username>

  • General:
    • Deletes a user from the database
    • Authorization required: current logged in user or admin
    • Request arguments: None

Sample Return:

  "deleted": "testuser"

POST /users/<username>/jobs/<job_id>

  • General:
    • Posts a job application to the database
    • Authorization required: current logged in user or admin
    • Request arguments: None

Sample Return:

  "applied": 1

POST /auth/token

  • General:
    • Returns a JWT token which can be used to authenticate further requests
    • Authorization required: none
    • Request arguments: None

Sample Request Body:

  "username": "testuser",
  "password": "password123"

Sample Return:

  "token": "long-JWT-auth-token"

POST /auth/register

  • General:
    • Registers a new user in the database
    • Authorization required: none
    • Request arguments: None
    • username, password, firstName, lastName, and email are required
    • Returns JWT token which can be used to authenticate further requests Sample Request Body:
  "username": "testuser",
  "password": "password123",
  "firstName": "Chris",
  "lastName": "Robbins",
  "email": "chris@chris.com"

Sample Return:

  "token": "long-JWT-auth-token"


Validation of input data is handled by the JSON-SCHEMA files located in the schema directory.

Error Handling

The following errors are defined and handled in the expressError.js file

  • ExpressError (extending Error)
  • 404 NotFoundError
  • 401 UnauthorizedError
  • 400 BadRequestError
  • 403 ForbiddenError


Kep Kaeppeler is the author of this project, test suite, and documentation