
Several mini-projects exploring the OpenAI API exploring ideas from the OpenAI bootcamp

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

OpenAI Exploration

Several mini-projects exploring the OpenAI API exploring ideas from the OpenAI bootcamp ChatGPT, GPT4, DALLE, etc.

Testing results using the Moderation API

response = openai.Moderation.create(input=Sample text goes here”)
output = response[“results][0]

Endpoint to test whether a prompt violates moderation policies

OpenAI Moderation

OpenAI Usage Policies


OpenAI Pricing

GPT-3 (Davinci)

GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)

  • $0.002 / 1K tokens
  • As of 3/1/2023 fine-tuning is not available for the gpt-3.5-turbo models

Whisper (transcription of audio) is now available as an API

  • $.006 / minute (rounded to the nearest second)

DALLE-2 (1024x1024 resolution)

  • $0.02 / image


  • $0.03 / 1k tokens

Usage (Inference)

  • $0.12 / 1k tokens

Text Completion Models as of Feb 2023

Model Index for Researchers

  • Ada (Fastest) $0.0004/1K tokens
  • Babbage $0.0005/1K tokens
  • Curie $0.002/1K tokens
  • Davinci (Most Powerful) $0.02/1K tokens
    • Davinci has code variants: code-davinci-002

OpenAI Completion Call Parameters

  • Model (davinci)
  • Prompt
  • Temperature
    • Higher values mean the model will take more risks
    • Try 0.9 for more creative application,
    • Try 0 (argmax sampling) for ones with a well-defined answer
    • In the case of simpler tasks with a clear correct answer, lean more toward 0
  • Max Tokens
    • The max number of tokens to generate in the completion
    • The token count of your prompt plus max_tokens cannot exceed the model’s context length
    • Most models have a context length of 2048, the newest support 4096
  • Top P
    • An alternative to sampling with temperature called nucleus sampling
    • The model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass:
    • 0.1 means only consider the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass.
    • Use Top P or Temperature but not both
  • N
    • How many completions to generate for each prompt
    • This is the same as running the same prompt multiple times, so it is more expensive
    • We will pretty much always set this to 1 indicating we want 1 completion
    • This should only be used if the temp is set above zero
    • Multiple completions with a 0 Temp should generate the same result
  • Frequency Penalty
    • Number between -2.0 and 2.0
    • Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text
    • Positive values reduce the likelihood of the completion repeating itself
  • Presence Penalty
    • Number between -2.0 and 2.0
    • Positive values penalize new tokens based on whether they appear in the text so far
    • This will increase the mode’s likelihood to talk about new topics
    • High numbers of Freq/Pres can lead the completion to go off track

Presence and Frequency Penalties: The presence penalty is a one-off additive contribution that applies to all tokens that have been sampled at least once and the Frequency penalty is a contribution that is proportional to how often a particular token has already been sampled. Reasonable values of either are between 0.1 and 1 if the aim is to just reduce repetitive samples somewhat. Negative values will increase the likelihood of repetition.

Engines have been deprecated and replaced with models (Retrieve, Completion, Chat, etc.)

Models List

Testing in the playground


Beware of prompt leakage or prompt reverse engineering

Prompt reverse engineering

Prompt Design

  • Model:
    the latest will give the best results

  • Instructions:
    Put instructions at the beginning of a prompt and use ### or “”” to separate out instructions from the desired output

Summarize the text below into bullet points.

Text: “””
{some text}
  • Detail:
    instead of write a poen about OpenAI, “Write a poem about OpenAI in the style of a Haiku, make sure to only write 3 lines and focus on GPT.

  • Examples:

Extract the first and last names from the text below:

Desired format:
Last Name, First Name
{some text}
  • Be Direct:
    Create a 3 to 5-sentence description about the product in the text below: {some text}

  • Initiate the Response:

Instead of: Write a python function to scrape the wikipedia page on the world’s tallest buildings.
Try: The python function below scrapes Wikipedia to return a CSV of the world’s tallest buildings and their stats.

def scrape_wiki(
or start with import

OpenAI Prompt Design Guide