
This is a simple typescript react application, that we built to essentially make a to do and a done list, this was a relaxing project built in a team of 3 to show off what we had learnt and could do in 3 8 hour days. I believe our automated testing ended up at 77% coverage, we were aiming for 80% however it didn't quite get there.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Little animal

To Do To Day

The To Do To Day team has created a task management app that will stop you from doom-scrolling and get you excited about accomplishing the tasks of the day while keeping it smooth and simple.


Sign in:

Sign in to start making your own personalized list of tasks that only you can see.

Task Creation:

Easily create new tasks by providing a title and a description. You can add as many tasks as you want to your task list.

Task Editing:

Update and modify existing tasks with ease. You can edit the title, description, and mark tasks as complete.

Task Completion:

Mark tasks as complete once you finish them. This will then archive the task that you completed in the done page to keep your list clutter-free.

Task Deletion:

Accidentally added a task that you did yesterday? No drama baby Llama, hit the delete button and the task will disappear.

Progress Bar:

Enjoy the sweet satisfaction of seeing the progress bar fill up every time you complete a task.

Done Page:

Bask in the glory of being a functional adult by seeing all the tasks that you've completed on this page. Move tasks back to the to-do list at any time.

Clear All:

After you'ver completed all af your tasks, clear all of the completed tasks to start a new day with a clean slate.

The stack

  • TypeScript
  • SASS
  • JavaScript
  • HTML5


npm install
npm run knex migrate:latest
npm run knex seed:run