
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

OpenRarity.xyz - NFT Rarities Analyzer



  • Website
  • Discord Bot
  • Serverless (Netlify)



  • Create React App
  • Netlify Continuous Deployment from Github
  • Project Themes
  • Lazy Loading for Great Performance

  • Small Screen Support

  • Large Screen Support

Nft Metadata

  • Analyzed with node scripts using GitHub Actions (or locally)
  • Easy 1,2,3 to add a project
    • Fork GitHub Repo
    • Add 2 metadata files:
      • ./data/[project].json
      • ./data/[project].project.json
    • Submit a PR
      • Github actions will automatically build the rarity files
      • Netlify Continous Deployment will automatically generate a preview

Rarity Analysis

NFT Rarity Card

  • Easily see Rank and Score
  • OpenSea Last Sell, List Price, and Link
  • NFT Preview
  • Attribute Values with Integrated Bar Graph
  • Quickly visualize and compare NFTs

Trait Filters

  • Visualize Trait Rarity with integrated bar graphs
  • Preview the number of NFTs remaining after selecting each trait
  • Drill down to specific traits

  • Filter applies to all views
    • NFT Cards
    • Trait Waterfall
    • Rarest Trait Combinations

Trait Waterfall

  • See everything in one beautiful view
  • Rarest NFTs are the top rows
  • Common NFTs are the bottom rows
  • Traits are columns

  • Sort Traits by Rarity
    • Left is rare traits
    • Right is common traits

Rarest Trait Combinations (Sankey Diagram)

  • Explore the Rarest combinations of traits

Discord Bot

  • /openrarity projects

  • /openrarity project project-key:one-day-punks

  • /openrarity nft project-key:one-day-punks token-id:42
    • Even has a ascii bar graph!

Discord Application Commands Api

  • Discord Outgoing Webhooks

    • No running server costs
    • Using Netlify Functions
    • Continous Deployment from GitHub Repo
  • tl;dr - free (unless you get a ton of traffic somehow)


  • Cloning is easy
  • Setup your own website with just your projects
  • But also submit those to be included in OpenRarity.xyz
  • GitHub PR allows you to easily submit metadata that you've added to your own fork


This project is a submission for the PunkScape Hackathon #1.
The main purpose of this project is to provide an open source alternative to other paid closed source NFT rarity sites. Developers should be able to submit a project by either:

  1. PR request to the main branch to include their project or
  2. Fork this project and configure for their own deployment.


Project is created with:

  • Language - "typescript": "^4.4.3"
  • Client - "react": "^17.0.2"
  • Server - "ts-node": "^10.2.1" and "express": "^4.17.1"



  1. Requires npm version 7+ (for npm workspaces). Npm upgrade info for Windows https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18412129/how-can-i-update-npm-on-windows

  2. Run npm install at the root of rarity-analyzer to install server dependencies including scope packages and workspaces.

    • NOTE: you can run npm install at root to build scoped packages.
    • e.g (While running packages/server/, you can make changes to packages/common/ and run npm install at root to rebuild the @crypto-dev-common package)
  3. Run npm start to start the development server.


Instructions for Forking and deploy to site provider (Netlify)
  1. Go to https://github.com/cryptoDevAmigos/rarity-analyzer and fork the project to your github account
  2. Go to https://app.netlify.com/start/deploy?repository=https://github.com/{INSERT_FORKED_PROJECT_URL_HERE}
  3. On Netlify, please follow instructions to Connect forked GitHub repo.


Instructions for submitting new nft project for rarities

You may submit new NFT Projects to https://github.com/cryptoDevAmigos/rarity-analyzer or your forked repository

  1. Copy and rename the following file to create a new project /data/example.project.json to /data/project-name.project.json
    • Modify project file with the project specific information
  2. Copy new metadata json file to /data/ like /data/project-name.json
  3. Submit a pull request
    • Rarities will be calculated
    • Website will be updated with results



  • load /tokenId.json files from api
  • routing /projectKey/tokenId
    • /project Pages - show list of tokens
    • /token - show rarity details

Static Pregenerated Rarity Data (using GitHub actions to pre-calculate rarity)

  • Host website on Netlify (with continuous deploy from repo folder '/web/')
  • GitHub actions
  • root of repo: /data/nft-projects-metadata/
  • To submit a new project, github PR to add a new .json to that folder
    • projectName-nfts.json
    • projectName-details.json
  • Github action would process all the files in that folder and generate the rarities into a static folder structure
    • i.e.
    • /web/data/results/projectId/list.json
    • /web/data/results/projectId/0.json
    • /web/data/results/projectId/1.json
  • Website would access the .json files as static content of the same domain:
    • site.com/projectName/0 would load site.com/data/projectName/0.json
  • Anybody can setup their own website
    • create a netlify
    • point netlify to repo/web

Discord Integration

  • Use discord outgoing webhooks (serverless)
  • Requests handled by Netlify functions (or other serverless provider like AWS lambda)


Hackathon Requirements

  • https://github.com/punkscape/01-rarity-analyser-hackathon

    • Only OneDayPunk owners may participate in the hackathon
      • You have to hold a OneDayPunk to take part in the hackathon.
    • The app has to calculate a rarity score for each item in the given collection
    • The app has to be deployed on a live server (Heroku free tier or similar is fine)
    • The app has to be usable: Minimum requirement is that the rarity of each item in the collection can be queried / viewed
    • There must be easy to follow documentation for other developers on how to configure their own collection metadata and deploy it to a server.
  • Generate /web/projectName/collection-rarities.json

  • Json data is accessible

  • Discord integration

  • Instructions

    • Add Project
    • Deploy clone
  • Submission before 27.09.2021 00:00 UTC


  • Github action to build:rarities

  • Copy files from react/build to web in build script

  • Fix build path for common web/build

  • Finish Web UI

    • List all projects
      • Add web/data/projects.json output
      • Create ProjectsComponent
    • List nfts for a project
      • Add web/data/one-day-punks/project.json output
      • Create ProjectNftsComponent
    • Fix React favicons, title, etc.
    • Add Project Details
      • Links (Discord, Twitter, Site, etc.)
      • Theme (see css vars)
      • Logo
    • OpenRarity Site
      • Logo (Home Button)
      • Creators List (Punks)
        • Name, Bio, Links
      • Feature List (of site)
  • OpenRarity Discord Server + OutgoingWebhookBot

  • ? Easy Button: Add contract address and hit submit on website

    • [!STORAGE]
      • This probably can't be done purely by github actions
      • Where will the data go?
    • ? Use web3 to get contract data
    • ? Use open sea api to get data
  • Add Instructions for adding project

    1. Create /data/project-name.project.json file with ContractUri json data
    2. Create /data/project-name.json file with nft metadata (TokenUri json array) data
    3. Submit a pull request
      • Rarities will be calculated
      • Website will be updated with results
  • Instructions for Forking and deploy to site provider (Netlify)

  • Improve Git Performance

    • Remove web folder from all branches except deploy branch
    • Run build github action only on deploy branch


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