
This project's purpose is to serve as an example of an implementation of user authentication using Metamask

  • Uses Django for the backend
  • Uses React bootstrapped with create-react-app for the frontend
  • Requires the Metamask wallet extension to be installed to work
  • Purposefully did not style the app at all so anyone could take this and make it look how they want


Requires both python (> 3.11) and the package manager pip to be installed

pipenv install
pipenv shell
python runserver

The application will now be running on

Potential Future Improvements


  • Adding check to make sure address sent to backend is a valid ETH address
  • Moving sensitive data to env vars
  • Ability to take in the ETH network and configure web3 instance based on this (right now hardcoded to goerli)


  • Creating button to request 'connect' to Metmask wallet rather than requesting this right away (this would allow a user to browse the website before authenticating)
  • Moving sensitive data to env vars
  • Retrieve and send the ETH network along with request to backend