
I made this site to learn redux. It was a site where I performed simple backend operations such as Adding - Deleting - Updating. I got the design part ready from the internet.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome My To-Do App

English Description

I made this site to learn redux. It was a site where I did simple backend operations like Add - Delete - Update. I got the design part ready from the internet.

Turkish Description

Bu siteyi redux öğrenmek için yaptım. Ekleme - Silme - Güncelleme gibi basit arka uç işlemleri yaptığım bir siteydi. Tasarım kısmını internetten hazır olarak aldım.

App Views

All Todos Screen

App View

Active Todos Screen

App View

Completed Todos Screen

app view

Loading Todos Screen

app view

Add Todos Loading Screen

app view

For Download
