
Simulated Annealing (SA) for Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) for 30 most populated Russian cities.

Primary LanguagePython

Statistical Techniques for Data Science Assignment #3

Innopolis University, Spring 2022

Simulated Annealing

Simulated Annealing (SA) for Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) for 30 most populated Russian cities.

Problem Description


Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible route that visits each city once and returns to the origin city? In our case cities were the 30 most populated Russian cities and distance was real geographical Haversine distance


The energy distribution for this problem is easy to express in a format suitable for SA.

$p^∗_{sales}(path) = e ^{− dist(path)/T}$

where path is the ordered list of cities to visit, dist is the function that computes path distance. The main trick to solve traveling salesman with SA is to pick a proper proposal distribution. The common proposal policy for this problem is the following:

  1. Pick two cities in the path;
  2. Exchange their positions in the path;
  3. Return to the new proposed path.
  • algorithm/SA_algorithm.py: You can find my implemented SA algorithm for TSP here.


  1. Sample initial $x_0$, set time step t = 0;
  2. Set initial temperature $T$. To avoid problems with numerical overflow when calculating the exponent, set the temperature compared with the initial value of the system’s energy;
  3. Generate $x′$ from $g(x′|x_t)$. For continuous problems, the common solution is to use the normal distribution;
  4. Calculate acceptance ratio $α = \frac{p∗(x')}{p∗(x_t)}$;
  5. Generate $u ∼ U(0,1)$. If $u ≤ α$, accept the new state $x_{t+1} = x′$, otherwise propagate the old state. Pass $x_{t+1}$ to the output of the sampler;
  6. Reduce temperature $T$. Temperature annealing does not have to occur on every iteration. The temperature can be decreased every $N$ iteration as well. There is no strict rule about this;
  7. Increment $t$;
  8. Repeat 2-8 until cooled down. The solution can be sampled before the system is cooled down, but we don't know whether this was the optimal solution.


Data preprocessing

  • algorithm/processing.py: Since provided dataset contains too many unneeded details in columns, we need to apply some preprocessing (dropping some columns) and sorting (by population) to get this table. You can find the table file here top-30.
address geo_lat geo_lon
Москва 55.7540471 37.620405
Санкт-Петербург 59.9391313 30.3159004
Новосибирск 55.028191 82.9211489
Екатеринбург 56.8385216 60.6054911
Нижний Новгород 56.3240627 44.0053913
Казань 55.7943584 49.1114975
Самара 53.1950306 50.1069518
Омск 54.9848566 73.3674517
Челябинск 55.1602624 61.4008078
Ростов-на-Дону 47.2224566 39.718803
Уфа 54.734944 55.9578468
Волгоград 48.7070042 44.5170339
Пермь 58.0102583 56.2342034
Красноярск 56.0093879 92.8524806
Воронеж 51.6593332 39.1969229
Саратов 51.533557 46.034257
Краснодар 45.0401604 38.9759647
Тольятти 53.5205348 49.3894028
Барнаул 53.3479968 83.7798064
Ижевск 56.852738 53.2114896
Ульяновск 54.3079415 48.3748487
Владивосток 43.1164904 131.8823937
Ярославль 57.6215477 39.8977411
Иркутск 52.2864036 104.2807466
Тюмень 57.1529744 65.5344099
Махачкала 42.9849159 47.5047181
Хабаровск 48.4647258 135.0598942
Оренбург 51.7875092 55.1018828
Новокузнецк 53.794315 87.2142745
Кемерово 55.3910651 86.0467781


We can consider an answer in the range of [17k, 20k] is sufficient. But I wanted to know the global minimum (best possible) for this specific problem (for given 30 cities). Due to that other than the SA algorithm, I implemented a heuristic solution that uses Dynamic programming+Bitmask with $O(2^n*n)$ execution time (~80 minutes of running for n = 30) and found the best possible answer (global minimum) as 17908.

Laterward ran the SA algorithm with slow cooling and fast cooling, luckily both approaches after some iterations (slow in 30-40 iterations and fast in 10-15 iterations) found 17908 as a minimum answer in less than one minute. As result, the SA algorithm can be poor for some combinatorial problems, but here for TSP, it worked perfectly in less time for different hyperparameters of temperature. Animation Slow cooling

Cooling hyperparamteres

  • Initial temperature: 100
  • Final temperature: 20
  • Number of iterations per decay: 10.000

Slow cooling

  • Temperature decay: 0.99

Middle cooling

  • Temperature decay: 0.95

Fast cooling

  • Temperature decay: 0.9

We can see that slow cooling makes a really good job, but sadly it is slow. In contrast, fast cooling works fast, but it can sometimes miss the global minimum sometimes and stuck in the local minimum (luckily here it did not miss the global minimum and found the best possible answer). Finally, middle valued cooling did not do a good job by execution time or performance, so I prefer to use slow or fast cooling based on my need.

Final answer (~17.908km) on real Map