
C++ implementation of an interpreter for a simple programming language and a library for Intervals Abstract Domain

Primary LanguageC++

Compiling/starting from /build

  • Compiling CMakeLists.txt via cmake . command

  • Compiling the source code via the make command

  • Starting tests with the make test command

  • Generation of documentation via the make doc command which also includes a general description of the project in the index.html file

  • Starting the valgrind tool with the make valgrind command

  • Starting the interpreter with the ./Interpreter command

What the project includes

  • CMakeLists.txt

    • compilation with warnings
    • RELEASE and DEBUG mode
    • valgrind (make valgrind)
    • test (make test)
    • clean (make clean) -doc (make doc)
  • AbstractInterval Class:

    • specialization in the .cpp file
    • abstract class
    • polymorphic class
    • virtual methods
    • final methods
    • methods const
  • Bound Class:

    • specialization in the .cpp file
    • method with templates
    • methods const
    • constructor overloading
    • override operator+ operator- operator* operator/
    • override operator< operator<= operator> operator>= operator== operator!=
  • FloatingPointAbstractInterval Class & IntegerPointAbstractInterval` Class:

    • subclass of AbstractInterval
    • specialization in the .cpp file
    • methods const
    • override operator+ operator- operator* operator/ operator==
    • method overrides isFinite() intersects() width() isContainedIn()
  • Infinity Class:

    • specialization in the .cpp file
    • methods const
    • override operator+ operator- operator* operator/
    • override operator< operator<= operator> operator>= operator== operator!=
    • operator overloading
  • UndefinedOperationException Class:

    • subclass of std::exception
    • override what() method
  • Test files:

    • test of the functionality on the methods of the classes created
  • Interpreter:

    • use of the container map
    • use of an iterator to iterate the elements of the map
    • reading from the input.txt file
    • practical use of the implemented library for the analysis of a program
  • Other notes:

    • code inside namespace
    • constructors marked explicit
    • catch2 library for testing
    • methods marked const
    • Doxygen for documentation