Use this library to integrate your dotnet app to use the Flutterwave Rave Payment Service


This library targets the dotnet standard 2.0

How to install

To add the package to your .NET standard or core app via nuget, use the following terminal command:

dotnet add package RaveDotNet

To install in a .NET framework application via the Package Management Console in Visual Studio:

Install-Package RaveDotNet

How to use

To initialize,

private ConfigModel config = new ConfigModel()
    Meta = new List<string>(),
    RedirectUrl = "https://your-app.com/rave", //callback to retrieve payment status
    Env = ConfigModel.STAGING, //or ConfigModel.LIVE (for production)
    PublicKey = "<YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY>",
    SecretKey = "<YOUR-SECRET-KEY>"

private PaymentRequestModel request = new PaymentRequestModel() {
    CustomerEmail = "abc@mailinator.com",
    CustomerPhone = "08021123345",
    Amount = 1000,
    Country = "Nigeria",
    Currency = "NGN",
    CustomDescription = "xyz",
    CustomerFirstname = "Abc",
    CustomerLastname = "Def",
    CustomLogo = "none",
    CustomTitle = "Mr.",
    PayButtonText = "Pay Me"

RaveService raveService = new RaveService(config, request);

To specify a custom Transaction reference, while configuring your PaymentRequestModel, you can configure a transaction reference like so:

private PaymentRequestModel request = new PaymentRequestModel() {
// other configurations here...

    new PaymentRequestModel() {
        GetTransactionReference = () => "my-tx-ref-01"

To render the payment page,

raveService.RenderHtml(); //will generate an html string to be loaded on the client browser

When the payment is done (success or failure), the user will be redirected to the Redirect URL you specified. You can retrieve the transaction reference from the URL as a query string.

To verify transaction,

var result = await raveService.RequeryTransaction("<THE-TRANSACTION-REFERENCE-YOU-RECEIVED>");

if (result.IsSuccessful()) {
    //do something
else if (result.IsFailed()) {
    //handle failure
else {

You can also listen for events for tasks like logging transactions:

using Rave.Models.Events;
raveService.SuccessEvent += ((object sender, SuccessEventArgs e) => {
 //triggered on a successful payment

raveService.FailedEvent += ((object sender, CancelledEventArgs e) => {
 //triggered on a failed payment

raveService.InitEvent += ((object sender, InitEventArgs e) => {
 //triggered when you render html

raveService.RequeryEvent += ((object sender, RequeryEventArgs e) => {
 //triggered when a verification (requery) request is created

raveService.RequeryErrorEvent += ((object sender, RequeryErrorEventArgs e) => {
 //triggered when verification fails

raveService.TimeoutEvent += ((object sender, TimeoutEventArgs e) => {
 //triggered during verification request timeout

It's that easy to use!