Pytriton with Gradio

A simple example of using pytriton inference server with Gradio.


  1. NVIDIA Container Toolkit (optional)
  2. Docker compose v2.
  3. Python 3.8 or higher.

How to run

Prepare models

pip install  -r ./requirements.base.txt
dvc pull
dvc repro


Run pytriton inference server:

docker compose up --build -d

Check status. It must be (healthy).

docker compose ps

If you want to use GPU uncomment deploy section in docker compose and replace in the Dockerfile:

--mount=type=bind,source=./requirements.server.cpu.txt,target=./requirements.txt \


--mount=type=bind,source=./requirements.server.gpu.txt,target=./requirements.txt \


Run gradio app:

pip install -r ./requirements.client.txt
python ./

Open UI by link.