Create CI/CD pipeline using jenkinsfile to deploy simple django web app as a microservice running on docker container locally
1- Fork this repo to your account
2- write dockerfile inside the forked repo to create new image from base image ubuntu and install python3.6 and pip3 and copy the source code files of the app to this image and configure it to start the server when creating container (check the below section for steps to start the django server)
3- configure ubuntu slave to use it for the pipeline
4- create slck workspace and integrate it with jenkins
5- install any plugin from your choice to create statistics about builds
6- write jenkinsfile with the following four stages for both dev and master branch
preparation: checkout the code
build image: build image using the dockerfile
push image: push the built image to docker registry(docker hub)
deploy: deploy a container from the pushed image
notification: send slack message with the build status
7- configure job in jenkins using multibranch pipeline type with the forked git repo url
install required packages:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
make migrations for DB:
python3.6 makemigrations
apply the migrations:
python3.6 migrate
start the server:
python3.6 runserver