
JetBrains Rider plugin for Avalonia development

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT





  • OpenJDK-compatible JDK version 8 or later (will be downloaded automatically during build)
  • .NET Core SDK 3.1 or later


To build from terminal, execute this command:

$ ./gradlew buildPlugin

This action will use Gradle JVM Wrapper to automatically download the recommended JDK version that's used for builds, and will download a required Gradle version. If this isn't necessary, you could use your own versions of Gradle and JRE by running the build task with gradle buildPlugin.

After that, the plugin ZIP distribution will be created in the build/distributions directory.


The following command will build the plugin and run it using a sandboxed instance of Rider (set the required version via build.gradle).

$ ./gradlew runIde


This plugin consists of two parts: the backend one (written in C#) and the frontend one (written in Kotlin). Each part requires a corresponding IDE. To develop a backend, it's recommended to open AvaloniaRider.sln with JetBrains Rider. To develop a frontend, it's recommended to use IntelliJ IDEA (Community edition should be enough).