
Title is just reference to "Smack My Bitch Up" by The Prodigy - pls don't @ me

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


WTF is this?

Kinda shitpost POC to patch splash screen in app.jar for IDEA based IDE

Splash screen example

(Image is a reference to Saturn Devouring His Son I dunno who original author of this remake)

Which IDEs is tested?

  • Rider 2022.1.1
  • Clion 2022.1
  • IDEA (All editions) 2022.1

How to use it?

Just build Keroosha.SuckMySplashUp.CLI and run with args:

./SuckMySplashUp \ 
--app "${localsharepath}JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/Rider/ch-0/221.5591.20/lib/app.jar" \
--splash splash.png \
--splash2 splash@2x.png

You can specify only --splash or --splash2 this is fine too


  • IDEA DOESN'T WORK for now, splash screen hidden somwhere else, I'll find it soon™
  • Cross-platform App (Preferred AvaloniaUI)


If you interested to help me with this quest - contact me at Dotnet.ru TALKS community via mention @Keroosha

I don't read PM from strangers at Telegram, so, ping me at chat first!

Also - feel free to ask people at chat even if you don't know Russian (Most of the chat members know English), they can (probably) help before me