
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bookstore Website

This repository contains the code for a fully functional bookstore website built using React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Vite. The website includes features like user authentication, authorization and a book carousel slider with course course section which is accessible to authorized user only.

Table of Contents

Technologies Used

  • Frontend:

    • React
    • Vite
    • React Router
    • Tailwind CSS
    • Axios
  • Backend:

    • Node.js
    • Express
    • MongoDB
    • Mongoose
    • bcryptjs


  • User Authentication: Secure login and registration using JWT.
  • User Authorization: Role-based access control for different user actions.
  • Book Carousel Slider: Attractive slider to showcase featured books.
  • Responsive Design: Fully responsive design for mobile, tablet, and desktop.



  • Node.js (v14.x or later)
  • MongoDB

Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/Ketan-Chaudhary/BookStore.git
cd bookstore

Install Dependencies


cd backend
npm install


cd ../frontend
cd /bookstore
npm install

Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the backend directory and add the following environment variables:



Start the Backend Server

cd backend
npm start

Start the Frontend Server

cd frontend
cd bookstore
npm run dev

The frontend will be served at http://localhost:3000 and the backend at http://localhost:5000.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes. Make sure to follow the code style and write tests for new features.

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add new feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch)
  5. Create a pull request