
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Gatsby starter for creating blogs from headless Ghost CMS.

Turn your Ghost blog into a lightning fast static website. This Gatsby theme is a front-end replacement of the Ghost Handlebars engine featuring the standard Ghost Casper skin and functionality. All content is sourced from a headless Ghost CMS.


Play with the Demo to get a first impression.




  • Ghost Casper look and feel
  • Sticky navigation headers
  • Gatsby images 🚀 🆕
  • Syntax highlighting with PrismJS 🆕
  • Rewrite CMS links to relative 🆕
  • Hover on author avatar
  • Secondary navigation
  • Styled 404 page
  • SEO optimized
  • Fully responsive
  • Composable and extensible


Lighthouse Score

Getting Started

  1. Install this starter by running

    gatsby new try-ghost https://github.com/styxlab/gatsby-starter-try-ghost
  2. Change directory

    cd try-ghost
  3. Run

    gatsby develop

    and visit your site at http://localhost:8000.


    module.exports = {
        siteUrl: `https://your-blog.com`, // Do not include a trailing slash!
        postsPerPage: 12, //for future use
        siteTitleMeta: `Gatsby Starter Ghost CMS`, // This allows an alternative site title for meta data for pages.
        siteDescriptionMeta: `Gastby Starter with Ghost CMS and Casper Skin`, // This allows an site description for meta data for pages.
        shareImageWidth: 1000, // Change to the width of your default share image
        shareImageHeight: 523, // Change to the height of your default share image
        shortTitle: `Ghost`, // Used for App manifest e.g. Mobile Home Screen
        siteIcon: `favicon.png`, // Logo in /static dir used for SEO, RSS, and App manifest
        backgroundColor: `#e9e9e9`, // Used for Offline Manifest
        themeColor: `#15171A`, // Used for Offline Manifest

In the configuration shown above, the most important fields to be changed are siteUrl, siteTitleMeta and siteDescriptionMeta. Update at least those to fit your needs.

Ghost Content API keys

All content is sourced from a Ghost CMS. If you don't customize the file .ghost.json content is fetched from the demo location at https://cms.gotsby.org. Surely you want to source your own content. Change the keys to match your own Ghost CMS Content API keys:

        "development": {
            "apiUrl": "http://localhost:2368",
            "contentApiKey": "9fccdb0e4ea5b572e2e5b92942"
        "production": {
            "apiUrl": "http://localhost:2368",
            "contentApiKey": "9fccdb0e4ea5b572e2e5b92942"


    gatsby build

After completion of the build process your static site can be found in the public/ folder. Copy those files over to your webserver.

Deploying on Gatsby Cloud

Fork gatsby-starter-try-ghost in GitHub. After logging into Gatsby Cloud make sure Gatsby Cloud has access rights to the forked repository. Select 'I already have a Gatsby Site' and then pick gatsby-starter-try-ghost. Skip integrations. For a first test also skip content keys. The build should start immediately and show the demo site. Provide content keys in order to source in your own Ghost content.


You can disable the default Ghost Handlebars theme front-end by enabling the Make this site private flag within your Ghost settings. This enables password protection in front of the Ghost install and sets <meta name="robots" content="noindex" /> so your Gatsby front-end becomes the source of truth for SEO.

Reporting issues

Please report all bugs and issues at gatsby-theme-try-ghost/issues as all development is happening there.

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2020 styxlab - Released under the MIT license.