
You have been tasked with writing an ordering system for a fast food restaurant. To do this, you must write the following three Java classes:

1. Create a public class Food:

Constructor: Food(String, int) Fields: name, price Methods: getPrice(), display()

-The fields name and price must both be protected
-The constructor must set the fields
-getPrice() must return the price
-The display() method must print price + " kr " + name.

2. Create a subclass of Food called Pizza:

Constructor: Pizza() Fields: toppings Methods: ..., addTopping(String), setName(String)

-The field toppings must be a List of String, and it must be protected
-The constructor should not take any arguments. The constructor of the super class must be given the arguments "Pizza" and 45 (dkk). The list of toppings must be empty for new Pizza objects.
-The addTopping(String topping) method adds to the list toppings, and increases the price by 10 dkk.
-The class must also override the display() method of the super class to also print the toppings comma separated with curly brackets around. E.g., a Pizza with the three toppings "Pepperoni", "Pineapple", and "Onion" should be printed as

    75 kr Pizza { Pepperoni, Pineapple, Onion }
    or the empty pizza as
    45 kr Pizza { }
  • Hint: the following code might give you a hint how to only have comma between and not before or after:

      String[] message = { "hi", "how", "are", "you" };
      String separator = "";  // first, no space
      for (String word : message) {
          separator = " ";    // after first iteration, a space between the words
  • setName(String name) must set the name of the pizza through the name field of Food.

3. Create a class Order, representing an order of several food items:

Constructor: Order() Fields: ordered Methods: total(), display(), payWith(CreditCard)

-The field ordered must be a List of Food, and it must be protected.
-The constructor must leave the list of ordered food empty
-The addFood(Food food) must add the given food to the list ordered
-The total() method must return the sum of prices for all food items in the order.
-The display() method must print out all the food ordered, followed by the total for the order. The output must follow this format:

    65 kr Burger
    25 kr Coke
    75 kr Pizza { Pepperoni, Pineapple, Onion }
    165 kr TOTAL

-CreditCard is an interface, which is attached at the bottom of the problem description. You do not need to upload it with your solution, but if you copy it into your source folder, your code can compile locally.
-The payWith(CreditCard card) must return a boolean. It must attempt to withdraw the current total of the order from the credit card. payWith should return the same value that withdraw returns, but in case it is false, it must also print "ERROR: Payment failed".

Expected Output

Food.name has the right type and modifiers.

Food.price has the right type and modifiers.