
Kafka Schema Registry V2

Primary LanguageJava

Kafka Schema Registry


This has samples of kafka producers and consumers with avro schema v2.

This is developed using java 8, avro 1.10.1, kafka 2.7.0, confluent 5.3.0, and docker 20.10.2 on Mac.

Setup Kafka With Schema Registry


  • Install docker from https://www.docker.com/get-started

  • Start docker from applications

  • Check docker status by running below commands in Terminal

      docker --version
      docker-compose --version
      docker run hello-world

    Docker will download hello-world container and run it.

  • Create docker-compose.yml file with below contents

      version: '2'
        # this is our kafka cluster.
          image: landoop/fast-data-dev:cp3.3.0
            ADV_HOST:         # Change to if using Docker Toolbox
            RUNTESTS: 0                 # Disable Running tests so the cluster starts faster
            FORWARDLOGS: 0              # Disable running 5 file source connectors that bring application logs into Kafka topics
            SAMPLEDATA: 0               # Do not create sea_vessel_position_reports, nyc_yellow_taxi_trip_data, reddit_posts topics with sample Avro records.
            - 2181:2181                 # Zookeeper
            - 3030:3030                 # Landoop UI
            - 8081-8083:8081-8083       # REST Proxy, Schema Registry, Kafka Connect ports
            - 9581-9585:9581-9585       # JMX Ports
            - 9092:9092                 # Kafka Broker
  • Go to the directory where docker-compose.yml is created and run below command to start kafka cluster with schema registry

      docker-compose up
  • Open Landoop Web UI localhost:3030 in browser.

  • Enter to Schema Registry and set Compatibility Level to full

  • Create new schema by clicking on New. Make sure that name of the value and key schema is -value -key resp.


  • Follow the instructions from below linka dn start confluent control centre


  • Open the Control center web interface localhost:9021, create topic and set topic schema

How to run

  • Start Consumer v1 from kafka-schema-registry-v1 repository
  • Start Consumer v2 from kafka-schema-registry-v2 repository
  • Run Producer V1 to produce message with schema v1
  • Run Producer V2 to produce message with schema v2
  • Check what Consumer V1 and V2 have consumed.

Schema Operations

  • Delete Schema
      curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8081/subjects/employee-value