
Kafka Stream Basic and Advance Concepts

Primary LanguageJava

Kafka Streams


This application has samples for different kafka stream operations/concepts like :

  • Filter/FilterNot
  • Map/MapValues
  • FlatMap/FlatMapValues
  • Peek
  • Print
  • Foreach
  • GroupBy
  • GroupByKey
  • SelectKey
  • Repartition
  • Merge
  • Branch
  • Cogroup
  • Aggregate(Windowed/Non Windowed)
  • Reduce(Windowed/Non Windowed)
  • Count(Windowed/Non Windowed)
  • Join
  • Interactive Queries

This is developed in Java 8 and Kafka Streams 2.7.0

Kafka cluster is prerequisite to run these applications. Follow Kafka Cluster Setup section to set it up.

Kafka Cluster Setup

Follow below steps to set up 3 node cluster on single Mac machine

  • Download Kafka from https://kafka.apache.org/downloads

  • Extract it somewhere by executing tar command on Terminal

    i.e. tar -xvf kafka_2.13-2.6.0.tgz

  • Go to that extracted Kafka folder

    i.e. cd kafka_2.13-2.6.0/

  • Start zookeeper

    bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties

    This will bring up zookeeper on default port 2181 configured in config/zookeeper.properties file

  • Start first broker/node

    bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties

    This will start broker with below default broker id, log directory and port configured in config/server.properties

  • Create a copy of config/server.properties file for second broker/node

    i.e. cp config/server.properties config/server1.properties

  • Change broker id, log directory and port in config/server1.properties file

  • Start second broker/node

    bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server1.properties

  • Create one more copy of config/server.properties file for third broker/node

    i.e. cp config/server.properties config/server2.properties

  • Change broker id, log directory and port in config/server2.properties file

  • Start third broker/node

    bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server2.properties

  • Check what brokers are up and running

    bin/zookeeper-shell.sh localhost:2181 ls /brokers/ids

    will give you below output

    Connecting to localhost:2181
    WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null
    [0, 1, 2]