

Closed this issue · 18 comments

I am keep getting [ERROR] Cannot get cookie. Try again later.

Can someone please help me with this.

Hi @cybersecghost, the script cannot fetch cookies any more due to the server restriction. A new method needs to be implemented. Until then, the script is no longer working. :(

Hi @cybersecghost, the latest commit should fix the cookie issue. From now on, some new dependencies are required, please check readme file for more details. Please give it a try.

@cybersecghost step by step, sure:

  1. Git pull latest changes
  2. Check dependencies if they are all installed on your machine
  3. Install puppeteer
  4. Run script ./ -n 'game of'

It should work like a charm. Let me know if something blocks you.

Hi @cybersecghost, a normal user is enough to run the script, you don't need to use root or sudo, i's also not recommended.

I saw your put script under /opt/. I'd suggest to clone the repo under /home/{your_user_name}/, so that your user has the permission to create .source.html file.

Ok, seems media name is empty, weird. Would you mind to run script with the flag -d? It will print all debug logs. Paste some logs here and I'll take another look.

Hey Kevin, I tried using the script, I downloaded all the code and dependencies, but I still get this:

./ line 34: : command not found
[INFO] Fetching cookie...
[ERROR] Cannot get cookie. Try again later.

Please help.

Hi @Papa-Gandhi, it looks like you don't have Chromium or Chrome on your machine, please install one. After that, the script should work.

I do have it, on the raspberry pi

@Papa-Gandhi Ok, run which chrome in your terminal, see the path? If not, try to put chrome binary in /usr/bin, should work.

it worked, after some coding
line 114 should be

echo "/usr/bin/chromium-browser"

instead of

echo "/usr/bin/chrome"

Hi @Papa-Gandhi, Hi @cybersecghost, thank you for sharing your solutions! Good to know it works for both of you :)