
MVP of Proofster, a series of Python scripts where the domain layer's data structure and recursive algorithms were prototyped as well as a proof of concept backend built with Flask and SQLAlchemy

Primary LanguagePython


Before Proofster was built into a web app with several microservices and a domain layer running in the backend, the project simply exist as a series of Python scripts that I wrote to prototype the project. Some of the files were hundreds of lines. They were eventually abstracted into layers and packed into modules that forms the new architecture in the proofster project.


Implementation Details

Class: Formula, Unary, Binary, Function, Variable
Will add an UML when finished

The Preprocessor

Preprocessing includes the following procedures which are mostly implemented using recursion

Negate Conclusion

Nothing special, just adding a negation

Convert To Prenex Normal Form

Sub steps:

  1. Remove arrows
  2. Move negation inward
  3. Standardize variables
  4. Move all quantifiers to front
  5. Skolemization

Convert To Clauses

Sub steps:

  1. Drop all quantifiers
  2. Convert to CNF (Conjunctive Normal Form)
  3. Populate clauses

The Resolution Prover

Currently researching (relearning) various strategies of resolution.