See our site hosted on heroku
Instalock is a spin-off to Instagram. By signing up, it allows users to view other users' profiles and see what posts have been uploaded to our database.
- JavaScript
- Flask
- Flask-Migrate
- Flask-SQLAlchemy
- Npm
- Reactjs
- Redux
- All styling was done with raw CSS, no frameworks were used.
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Install flask dependencies in root directory
$ pipenv install --dev -r dev-requirements.txt && pipenv install -r requirements.txt
# Install dependencies in react-app directory
$ cd react-app
$ npm install
# Run back end server from pipenv shell
$ pipenv shell
$ flask run
# Run front end server
$ npm start
The database should be generated and seeded with the commands:
flask db init
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade
flask seed all
Setting up a route for users to explore for new friends required querying our database in two steps. We first had to query for users not followed by the session user and create a set of those ids. We then returned all the posts for the new set of unfollowed users. In the future, there is the option to only return a specific number of posts at a time. As users scroll through their feed, an unlimited scroll feature would update the page when the user gets to the bottom. This would limit the size of queries and maintain a responsive site for a larger user base.
def posts(id):
all_user_ids = set([x for (x,) in db.session.query(])
following = db.session.query(follows).filter_by(follower_id=id).all()
following_ids = [y for x,y in following]
following_set = set(following_ids)
not_following_set = all_user_ids - following_set
posts = Post.query.filter(Post.userId.in_(not_following_set),
return {"posts": [post.to_dict() for post in posts]}
Future development possibilities for InstaLock include:
- hashtags - allow users to tag their posts with topics to create a stronger social aspect.
- direct messaging - currently users can only communicate through comments on posts. We aim to include direct messaging between users.