
config files and shell scripts for conky combined with task (source: https://www.deviantart.com/trollpunny/art/Conky-Rings-Revamped-591137228)

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Conky Rings Revamped

The whole setup is based on Conky theme by YesThisIsMe, modified a lot by trollpunny.

There are four separate Conky widgets in the whole setup:

  1. the main one with rings
  2. memory
  3. CPU
  4. notes (lists the contents of tasks saved using the commandline tool task)

Use the startconky.sh script to start them in proper order.

Put all the files in ~/.Conky/ and run the script to start them. You can autostart the script at startup to make it load at every boot.

Example image:

alt text