
Modular Discord bot, built using node.js. Invite me: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=788681862536495124&permissions=67497025&scope=bot%20applications.commands

Primary LanguageJavaScript




It's recommended to install Graphics Magick. If it's not installed, the library will automagically try to install lwip by compiling the C/C++ stuff.

# Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick

# Fedora
$ sudo dnf install GraphicsMagick

# CentOS / RHEL
$ sudo yum install --enablerepo epel GraphicsMagick

# OS X
$ brew install graphicsmagick

# Windows users can install the binaries from http://www.graphicsmagick.org/
...or using the command line:
# Chocolatey (package manager for Windows)
# (Restart of cmd/PowerShell is required)
$ choco install graphicsmagick

Then, you can install this package:

$ npm i --save image-to-ascii