
I attempted the Kaggle Airbus Ship Detection Challenge to show my level of compentancy with image segmantation


The goal of this challenge is to build a machine learning model to anaylze satelite images of container ships, located the ships and put a bounded box segment around them. By evaluating the F2 score at different intersection over union (IoU) threshold. The algorithm will sweep through a range of IoU and calculate the F2 score at each point(pixel). Each score is deteremined by the number of true positives(TP),false positives(FP) and false negativee(FN). A TP indicates a single preedicted object matches a ground truth object, FP shows a predicted object has no associated ground truth object and FN sa a ground truth object has no associated predictions. With this the average F2 score is calcualted.


The solution was implemented by using the U-net architecture. Which is a convolutional neural network that operates by downsampling and encoding the information in the image and than later upsampling and decoding the collected information from the same image.


  • Python 3.8.16
  • Tensorflow 2
  • Jupyter Notebook
