
MCA Class Programs

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MCA Class Programs

sem1.1/practiceProgram: 1)sum of digits and its reverse incomplete and check whether the resulting single digit is an even or an odd number 2)Accept a number and print the sum of the given and Reverse number

sem1.1/practiceProgram2:1)largest of 3 numbers (conditional statement) 2)sum of odd and sum of even terms in an number(nested if statement) 3)swaping 2 numbers with just 2 variable 4)grading and finding percentage of subjects

sem1.1/lab2: 1) Armstrong no. between 1 to 999. 2)program to print reversal of given string and number (loops) string /0 3) print multiplication table for given input Using functions,switch menu driven

sem1.1/PracticeProgramMenuDriven: (menu driven) 1)sum of digits of a number until a single digit is occurred 2)C calculator 3)solve polynomial and differential equations

sem1.1/PG3_checkinouttime pointer with multi 1)Login time and Log out time stuctures and function 2)convert the time in hh and mm format to minutes 3)convert the minutes into hh and mm format

sem1.1/lab42274119_array1)readArray() displayarray() 2)highestnumber() smallestnumber() returns 1 if the element a repeat in the array else 0 3)repeatednumbers(int a) repeatedelementcount(int a) showrepeatednumbers()

sem1.1/lab5 1) Find the length of the sentence (Without using the built in functions) strings 2) Find number of words in the sentence 3) To check whether a given word is present in the sentence. 4) To display the count of vowels in the sentence. 5) To display the count of each word in the sentence sem1.1/2247119_PG6_Pointers pointers with function 1)Printing Alphabets pointers wt strings 2)Printing no of Vowels and Consonents string passing to funct 3)Reverse of String return string from func

sem1.1/practiceprogram_2247119 functions 1)find the factorial pointers 2)read a number and find sum of the factorials of the odd digits in the given number