
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0




We use python=3.8, pytorch=2.1.0 and pytorch-lightning=1.9.0 in this project.

Please install those packages first, then install the rest packages in environment.yaml.

You can also refer to the installation guidance of official ControlNet repo to set up the environment.


To clone glide repo, run

git submodule init && git submodule update

After this step, you can find glide-text2im/ directory under base directory.

And we expect you to install its requirements as well, just run

cd glide-text2im && pip install -e .

Create Dataset

  1. Download val2017.zip, annotations_trainval2017.zip, panoptic_val2017.zip, and unzip them under ./dataset.

  2. cd ./dataset, then run

    python read_caption_data.py
    python read_mask_data.py
    python merge_data.py

    the final results will be saved in ./dataset/data.pkl

  3. You can run the following command to visualize the preprocessed data:

    python read_pkl.py --idx IDX

    IDX should be a positive integer less than 5000.

    The results will be saved in ./dataset/tmp/.

Inference with PLP framework

To inference using PLP+ControlNet, run

python control_infer.py --model_path path/to/your/ckpt --output_path path/to/output/folder

To inference using PLP+GLIDE, run

python inpaint.py --model_path path/to/your/ckpt --output_path path/to/output/folder

path/to/your/ckpt is the path where you save your trained ControlNet weights. We have provided our ckpts in ./ckpts folder.

Note that when inference with GLIGE, the ckpt is used only for mask prediction.

Training ControlNet

  1. Download SDv1.5 weights "v1-5-pruned.ckpt" and place it under ./models.

  2. If you have trouble in getting access to huggingfaceHub, download the openai/CLIP model weights manually and place it under ./openai/clip-vit-large-patch14. The downloading link is here.

  3. Create the dataset following our tutorial. Then run python pre_processing/dataset_process.py to get the preprocessed dataset in ./dataset/raw_data5k/.

  4. Run python seq_add_control.py ./models/v1-5-pruned.ckpt ./models/plp_ini.ckpt to get initialized PLP Model from SD weights.

  5. Run python train_plp.py to start training. The training logs including inferenced images and loss curves should be in ./image_log and ./lightning_logs. You may refer to the Official Finetuning Guidance

Quantitative Evaluation

See quantitative_evaluation_metric/README.md for more details.