
My Deno & Oak server template

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Deno & Oak Server Template


Create a base template for Deno featuring:

  • User endpoints
  • Sessions
  • Postgresql


  • Clone repo
  • Use psql or PG Admin to run the creation SQL
  • Configure database
  • Create public/private json web keys
psql -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432
postgres-# \i ~/repo/location/db/schema/core_development.sql
postgres-# \i ~/repo/location/db/tables/users.sql
postgres-# \q

cp config/db.config.development.ts config/db.config.ts
deno run --allow-write --allow-read keygen.ts
  • Edit values in db.config.ts to match your connection parameters


deno run --allow-net application.ts