
Software Engineering Projects

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Silicon Solutions, Inc

Software Engineering Projects

Company Employees: o CEO: Nabor Palomera o Michael Kries o Phuoc Ngo o Erick Rivera o Kevin De La Torre

Project ID #: 05 (Gradebook) Estimated Development Time: 7 days

Project Description:

Implementation of an interactive gradebook. Its purpose is to facilitate grading assignments with different points and placing it in the correct category where each has different weight as percentage.

Preliminary Development Plan: Developed in Java. Implementation As Specified in Requirements.

Checkpoint 1 (Day 1, 2): Design the graphical interface for grade book program on scratch with the useful tools: o Term(Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer), year o Class o Students (Last, Middle, and First name) o Grading (assignment, weight percentage – should add up to 100% for all categories) o Final grade column (based on weight percentage then compute the letter Grade, user can specify the lower and upper bound to compute the letter grade) o Save and read the file

Checkpoint 2 (Day 3): o Transfer all the designs of the graphical interface to coding. o Add codes and functions to the Term, Class, and Students by using coding. o For Term, there are adding and removing functions. (Spring 2017) -Removing the Term will remove all the classes in that term. o For Class, there are adding and removing functions. (CS 480) -Removing the class will remove all the students in that class. (including students’ grades, names) o For Students, there is a box to add student first, middle, and last name. -After adding the student to the class, show the table of student on the interface to show the student’s first, middle, and last name, and assignment with score. -Sort the list by student’s last name.

Checkpoint 3 (Day 4, 5): o Design the Grading function for the project. -After add the student to the class, there is a button to add the assignment. * Press the ‘add assignment’ button, the box will popup to prompt the user input the assignment number and (date) for the assignment. Then create the assignment column next to the student’s name and show to the table. o Design the weight column for the assignment -The weight column is the total points of all the assignments (computed in percentage %) -Weight = (Total points the student earned/Total points of all assignments) * 100 o Design the Final Grade to compute the letter grade for the user -The user can specify the lower bound for each letter grade. -Pop up the box for user to input.

Checkpoint 4 (Day 6): o Add the saving and reading file to the program. o Do extra credit: Exporting the file as a CSV file.

Checkpoint 5 (Day 7): o Testing, debugging, checking the project runs properly before turn it in.

Checkpoint 6 (Day 8): o Project Due


Project ID #: 9 (Tic-Tac-Toe) Estimated Development Time: 3 Days

Project Description:

This is an app that will be android based using Java. It will provide a GUI for the tic-tac-toe grid on a mobile device running Android OS. The users will be able to interact with the graphical display by tapping on the available slots and popup dialogues will display if the wrong slot is selected and to confirm the selected slot is the one that the user meant to choose. We will implement tips so that the app is as user-friendly as possible and there is no confusion when the users are playing the game.

Preliminary Development Plan:

Checkpoint 1 (Day 1): • Create Logic and Data Structures

Checkpoint 2 (Day 2): • Create GUI and link to logic

Checkpoint 3 (Day 3): • Create save dialogue and complete testing

• Complete documentation and report.