Pinned Repositories
Stock market prediction on 5 italian companies using VAR model, OLS regressions and LSTM recurrent neural networks over data retrieved from Refinitiv Eikon
Small Android apps built in Kotlin following the Android Basics with Compose guide provided by Google
Resolution of an increasingly complex planning problem leveraging different PDDL and HDDL planners to achieve optimal plans
Android app based on Unity and ArCore to acquire 2D holograms, host their pose in the cloud and retreive them from the cloud when needed
Implementation of the approach presented in the paper 'Face Spoofing Detection Using Colour Texture Analysis' to tackle spoofing attempts
Parallel MPI implementation of Bruteforce and Divide et Impera approaches to solve the Closest Pair of Points problem leveraging the HPC infrastructure provided by the University of Trento
Testing AutoNovel and UNO novel-class-discovery techniques to assess their prerformances under different settings. Plot of tSNE to evaluate clustering capabilities for known and new classes
Subjectivity removal and Polarity classification of movie reviews employing a shallow model (Multinomial Naive Bayes) and a deep model (Bidirectional LSTM with self-attention)
Official repository of the paper "Spatial-Temporal Calibration for Outdoor Location-Based Augmented Reality" authored by Lorenzo Orlandi, Kevin Depedri and Nicola Conci
Implementation of DeepCoral and PixelDA UDA techniques to contrast the domain shift problem and achieve a positive gain on the Adaptiope Dataset
KevinDepedri's Repositories
Stock market prediction on 5 italian companies using VAR model, OLS regressions and LSTM recurrent neural networks over data retrieved from Refinitiv Eikon
Android app based on Unity and ArCore to acquire 2D holograms, host their pose in the cloud and retreive them from the cloud when needed
Implementation of the approach presented in the paper 'Face Spoofing Detection Using Colour Texture Analysis' to tackle spoofing attempts
Parallel MPI implementation of Bruteforce and Divide et Impera approaches to solve the Closest Pair of Points problem leveraging the HPC infrastructure provided by the University of Trento
Resolution of an increasingly complex planning problem leveraging different PDDL and HDDL planners to achieve optimal plans
Testing AutoNovel and UNO novel-class-discovery techniques to assess their prerformances under different settings. Plot of tSNE to evaluate clustering capabilities for known and new classes
Subjectivity removal and Polarity classification of movie reviews employing a shallow model (Multinomial Naive Bayes) and a deep model (Bidirectional LSTM with self-attention)
Official repository of the paper "Spatial-Temporal Calibration for Outdoor Location-Based Augmented Reality" authored by Lorenzo Orlandi, Kevin Depedri and Nicola Conci
Small Android apps built in Kotlin following the Android Basics with Compose guide provided by Google
Config file for my github profile
Implementation of DeepCoral and PixelDA UDA techniques to contrast the domain shift problem and achieve a positive gain on the Adaptiope Dataset