###Written by Kevin Gay in Python 2.7! ###Link to Git: https://github.com/KevinGay/KGMatrix
This module creates a matrix data structure and provides methods to perform common matrix operations. The name of the algorithm is the method name if a specific algorithm is used.
Note: operator overloading has been implemented so the following is possible:
-Addition/subtraction between two matrices
-Multiplication/division between two matrices
between a matrix and a scalar as long as the scalar follows the matrix.
Two functions have been included for testing: test1 checks operator overloading and the methods
for solving a matrix, while test2 checks the more advanced algorithms for finding eigenvectors and
eigenvalues. Check the implementation for more specific detail. A test file and the correct outputs
have been posted on the GitHub page.
#Help on Matrix in module _main_ object:
_init_(self, matrixList=[])
Creates a matrix using a supplied list.
If no list is supplied, assume the matrix is empty.
matrixList: list of floats or ints.
_add_(self, other)
Operator overloading for matrix addition.
_div_(self, other)
If other is a matrix, perform matrix division.
If other is an int or float: return the result of scaling the matrix by 1 / other.
-if input is a scalar, it must be an int or a float.
-if input is a matrix, the first matrix rows must match the
second matrix columns.
Resultant matrix of mult(m x n, n x p) will always be m x p.
_mul_(self, other)
If other is a matrix, perform matrix multiplication
if other is a scalar, multiply each item in the matrix by a scalar.
-if input is a scalar, it must be an int or a float
-if input is a matrix, the first matrix rows must match the
second matrix columns.
Resultant matrix of mult(m x n, n x p) will always be m x p.
_sub_(self, other)
Operator overloading for matrix subtraction.
Make a copy of the matrix and store it in list form.
Mostly for use in methods of self.
augment(self, b)
Augment the current matrix with a solution vector b.
pre: b must be a one-dimensional list.
Return the covariance matrix of the current matrix.
Returns the determinant of a matrix.
Uses Gauss Jordan method of elimination to reduce current matrix.
Use gaussian elimination to reduce current matrix.
Get the norm of a matrices in the form of a column sum norm.
getColumnVector(self, column)
Return one of the columns as a matrices.
Get the norm of a matrices in the form of a row sum norm.
identity(self, n)
Returns an n x n identity matrix.
importMatrix(self, file)
Imports a matrix from a file and returns it.
Pre: file must exist and be a valid file.
Find the inverse of a matrix by reducing the given matrix to the identity,
the starting identity matrix becomes the inverse.
Use Leverrier's method to find the characteristic polynomial of a matrix.
Return an nx1 matrix of the mean column vectors of a matrix.
Use the QR Method to find all of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.
powerMethod(self, y)
Use the power method to find the largest eigenvalue of a matrix.
Returns the row echelon form (not reduced).
toString(self, roundTo=3)
Prints the matrix out in a clean format.
roundTo is an optional parameter which specifies how many decimals to round to.
It is recommended to keep roundTo at 3 unless you change the value in the string formatting.
Calculate the trace of the matrix.
Return the transpose of a matrix.
upperTriangularTest(self, B)
Determines if a matrix is upper triangular or not.
zeroes(self, m, n=-1)
Returns an m x n matrix of all zeroes.