A tool for collecting, aggregating, and emitting Node.js performance stats.
Collects stats on the event loop lag, garbage collection events, and memory statistics. Note that this plugin is server-side only and will throw an error if used browser-side.
// main.js
import App from 'fusion-react';
import Root from './components/root';
import UniversalEvents from 'fusion-plugin-universal-events';
import Analytics from './plugins/analytics';
import NodePerformanceEmitter from 'fusion-plugin-node-performance-emitter';
export default function() {
const app = new App(<Root />);
const EventEmitter = app.plugin(UniversalEvents);
if(__NODE__) {
const PerfStats = app.plugin(NodePerformanceEmitter, {EventEmitter});
app.plugin(AnalyticsPlugin, {PerfStats});
return app;
// plugins/analytics.js
export default function({PerfStats}) => (ctx, next) => {
const perf = PerfStats.of(ctx); // Get an instance of the NodePerformanceEmitter
perf.start(); // Start collecting stats
/* do stuff! */
perf.stop(); // Stop collecting stats
return next();
const PerfStats = app.plugin(NodePerformanceEmitter, {EventEmitter, config})
- Required. An event emitter plugin to emit stats events toconfig: Object
- OptionaleventLoopLagInterval: number
- Optional. Stats emission frequency for event loop lag stats. Defaults to 10,000 (ms)memoryInterval: number
- Optional. Stats emission frequency for memory stats. Defaults to 10,000 (ms)socketInterval: number
- Optional. Stats emission frequency for socket stats. Defaults to 10,000 (ms)
The following events are emitted through the EventEmitter