
ghostjs provides modern UI testing with async functions

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ghostjs - Modern web integration test runner

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Typical integration test frameworks are a nightmare of callbacks and arbitrary chaining syntax. Ghostjs uses standardized ES7 async functions in order to create a syntax that's extremely easy to reason about and work with. Take a look at our API and an example test case below. Ghostjs currently runs on both Chrome, Firefox (through SlimerJS), and Phantom.


npm install ghostjs


  • ghost.injectScripts(path) - Injects scripts into the webpage.
  • ghost.setDriverOpts(opts) - Sets driver options. You can find a list of supported options here.
  • await ghost.open(url, options={headers={}, settings:{}, viewportSize:{}}) - Instantiates ghostjs and opens a webpage
  • await ghost.findElement(selector) - Returns an element instance of this selector.
  • await ghost.findElements(selector) - Returns an array of element instances that match the given selector.
  • ghost.goBack() - Navigates back in history one page.
  • ghost.goForward() - Navigates forward in history one page.
  • await ghost.screenshot(filename?, folder?) - Saves a screenshot to the screenshots/ folder.
  • await ghost.script(func, [args]?) - Executes a script within a page and returns the result of that function.
  • await ghost.usePage(string) - Uses a page as a context to script. E.g., a url from window.open. Pass null to switch back to the main page.
  • await ghost.wait(ms) - Waits for an arbitrary amount of time. It's typicall better to wait for elements or dom state instead.
  • await ghost.wait(func) - Waits until the return condition of the passed in function is met. Polls continuously until a return condition is true.
  • await ghost.waitForElement(selector) - Waits for an element to exist in the page, and returns it.
  • await ghost.waitForElementNotVisible(selector) - Waits for an element to be hidden or inexistent in the dom.
  • await ghost.waitForElementVisible(selector) - Waits for an element to exist and be visible on the page.
  • await ghost.waitForPage(string) - Waits for the a page to be opened opened with the given url (or string search), via window.open.
  • await ghost.waitForPageTitle(string|RegExp) - Waits for the page title to match the expected value.
  • await ghost.click(selector) - Clicks on an element specified by the selector, by default in the center of the element.
  • await ghost.fill(selector, text) - Fills a form field with the provided value. Tries to set the right value for non-text inputs.
  • await element.click(x?, y?) - Clicks the element, by default in the center of the element.
  • await element.getAttribute(attribute) - Returns the value of an attribute for this element
  • await element.html() - Returns the innerHTML of an element.
  • await element.file(path) - Sets a file input to a file on disk.
  • await element.fill(text) - Sets a form field to the provided value. Tries setting the right value for non-text inputs.
  • await element.isVisible() - Checks whether or not the element is visible.
  • await element.mouse(type, x?, y?) - Dispatches a mouse of event of the given type to the element.
  • await element.rect() - Returns the current coordinates and sizing information of the element.
  • await element.text() - Returns the textContent of an element.
  • await element.script(func, [args]?) - Executes a function on the page which receives the DOM element as the first argument.


Example Test

import ghost from 'ghostjs'
import assert from 'assert'

describe('Google', () => {
  it('has some content', async () => {
    await ghost.open('http://google.com')
    let pageTitle = await ghost.pageTitle()
    assert.equal(pageTitle, 'Google')

    // Get the content of the body
    let body = await ghost.findElement('body')
    assert.ok(await body.isVisible())
    console.log('got body content', await body.html())

    // Wait for the first link and click it
    let firstLink = await ghost.waitForElement('a')

Waiting for a DOM Condition

await ghost.open(myUrl)
var hasMoved = await ghost.waitFor(async () => {
  var el = await ghost.findElement('.someSelector')
  var rect = await el.rect()
  return rect.left > 100
assert.equal(hasMoved, true)

Chaining and promises

// The recommended way to get element text:
let el = await ghost.waitForElement(selector)
let text = await el.text()

// If you're looking for something slightly less verbose, you can also chain with .then():
let text = await ghost.waitForElement(selector).then( async el => el.text() )



By default ghostjs will use Chrome as a test runner, or when you pass --browser chrome as a command line argument. You will need to have chrome installed on your machine, but ghostjs will try to automatically locate the binary. You can specify a CHROME_BIN env var to override this location.

You can also set flags that you'd like to specify to the chrome binary by setting the CHROME_FLAGS env variable, separated by commas:

CHROME_FLAGS=--disable-gpu,--force-text-direction=RTL ghostjs --browser chrome test/*.js


You can choose to test on PhantomJS as a test runner by passing the --browser phantom option to the ghostjs command. PhantomJS is installed as a dependency of the ghostjs package. E.g., you may have the following in your package.json:

"scripts": {
  "test": "ghostjs --browser phantom test/*.js"  


You can choose to test on Firefox (through SlimerJS) as a test runner by passing the --browser firefox option to the ghostjs command. Firefox must be installed on your computer to run tests against Firefox. E.g., you may have the following in your package.json:

"scripts": {
  "test": "ghostjs --browser firefox test/*.js"  

Note: SlimerJS is not headless and requires a windowing environment to run. If you are trying to run SlimerJS on travis, you can modify your travis.yml to have the following:

  - export DISPLAY=:99.0
  - "sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start"

You can see how we run both Chrome, Firefox and PhantomJS tests in our example package.json and our .travis.yml


Since we're using bleeding edge javascript /w async functions we currently recommend that you use babel to run your tests. At a minimum you should install these packages:

npm install babel-preset-es2015 --save-dev
npm install babel-preset-stage-0 --save-dev

In a file named .babelrc:

  "presets": ["es2015", "stage-0"]

Verbose Logs

You can output verbose website information like console.log statements and errors by using the --verbose flag. E.g, ghostjs ./test/mytest.js --verbose.

Slimer JSConsole

The Slimer JSConsole can be very useful when debugging tests. There are two ways to open the console, one inside a test with:

ghost.setDriverOpts({parameters: ['-jsconsole']})

You can also pass an environment variable to enable the console:

GHOST_CONSOLE=1 ./node_modules/.bin/ghostjs

Page Options

onResourceRequested - Pass a custom function to execute whenever a resource is requested.

Network throttling (only in Chrome)

networkOptions: ghost.networkTypes['offline'|'gprs'|'regular2g'|'good2g'|'regular3g'|'good3g'|'regular4g|'dsl'|'wifi']

As of v1.11.0, Ghost supports network throttling for loading pages. This feature is only available when run with the --browser=chrome flag.

With network throttling, you can simulate running your tests with a variety of connections. These connections are exposed in Ghost under ghost.networkTypes, and represent the latency, download, and upload speeds that are found in the Chrome devtools.


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