
A Sketch plugin to apply colors via the keyboard.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Key Color

Key Color (🗝🌈) is a Sketch plugin to easily apply colors via the keyboard.


Select a layer (or layers) and use one of the following keyboard commands.

^ Ctrl + 1 - 9 = Apply Fill Color to Selection

^ Ctrl + shift + 1 - 9 = Apply Border Color to Selection

You can also set custom colors via the settings (Plugins > Key Color > Settings).


  • Support group selection
  • Add hex validation
  • Make it easier to use colors with opacity
  • Add gradient support


  1. Download the plugin
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Double-click the file, 'keyColor.sketchplugin'


This plugin is in active development. Please submit bugs 🐛.
