
HackNJIT 2022 First Place Winner

Primary LanguageDart


NJIT Hackathon 2022 Submission

This is a app designed for hikers to mark a breadcrumb trail. The user can mark the location of his/her campsite, and the app will automatically keep track of a path from the start point until when the user loses signal. The app will warn the user that he/she lost signal so the user doesn't get lost.

This application only works on IOS and android.

You can find our project submission at https://devpost.com/software/shima!


  • flutter
  • IOS/android virtual device or physical phone


  • VSCode with flutter extension and dart extension


  1. See https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install. Flutter must be installed. run flutter doctor and make sure everything is checked.
  2. clone the branch and run flutter pub get
  3. Set up a virtual device. See https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install
  4. Run flutter run --release