Discord bot - Friend Time helps your server coordinate times and events by converting times mentioned in chat between time zones!
Pinned issues
- 5
Can't set timezone to Europe/Kyiv
#124 opened by shap-po - 1
Incorrect DST Handling for Mexico
#122 opened by IReclaimer - 3
Can't set my timezone to America/Bahia
#118 opened by vitorpontesd - 0
Can't set time zone to UTC
#112 opened by CyberShadow - 6
Offer an explicit trigger for timezone list
#91 opened by juzerzarif - 0
No need to trigger friend time when "in" is used
#109 opened by AhmadMajid - 3
Support for threads
#102 opened by akwonder1 - 0
Time detection / parsing (yearly salary)
#96 opened by tchaflich - 1
Add missing commands to help command
#78 opened by Davi-the-Mudkip - 5
- 3
Give users roles based on their time zone
#62 opened by GalGreenfield - 3
- 2
Bot not setting time zones for users
#80 opened by seanking2919 - 3
- 2
Time zones for followed channels
#68 opened by ryantheleach - 2
Compare time of a user to self, time for self to a user, or one user to another user
#63 opened by KevinNovak - 1
- 1
user not found
#71 opened by seventhrunner - 3
Daylight savings time not working
#6 opened by flygohr - 8
Set time zones of other users
#7 opened by jman1113 - 9
Remove unwanted time zones from list mode
#8 opened by KevinNovak - 1
Ability to set time zone of bots, webhooks, and subscribed server announcements
#20 opened by ryantheleach - 1
Incorrect date in time conversions
#34 opened by KevinNovak - 2
- 3
Reply instead of message
#65 opened by mattben - 1
Error in "am / pm"
#32 opened by smileperez - 2
Option for answer in Chat or DM
#38 opened by Kyusetzu - 8
- 3
- 1
friend time not working
#58 opened by HysteriaVybe - 1
Output channels options?
#64 opened by Goobare - 1
Support for "h" separator in time
#43 opened by florian-luce - 4
Add a license
#61 opened by Atrate - 3
Auto-detect daylight savings time
#42 opened by atalkingfish - 2
Automatically correct inapplicable time zones
#54 opened by nomis - 1
TZ abbreviations?
#13 opened by Keanu73 - 1
Handle direct message failures if user has blocked bot or enabled privacy settings for the server
#59 opened by rohitp30 - 1
Daylights savings time is not calculated
#46 opened by erens-basement - 2
Add more advanced reporting features
#48 opened by zachskaggs - 0
- 0
- 1
Change "America" to "Americas"
#21 opened by sarahdlowe - 0
List server users and their time zones
#39 opened by thenamelessthing - 1
Distinguish timezone of user triggering bot
#22 opened by JollySarah - 3
Incorrect time returned from using "ago"
#33 opened by rosareven - 1
Canary Islands timezone missing
#19 opened by Thehail - 12
Bot frequently goes offline
#14 opened by fluidityt - 2
Bot going down
#23 opened by phokingpuffy - 1
Move to cloud server
#9 opened by KevinNovak - 2