
Simple HttpClient wrapper for interacting with TibetSwap.io API

Primary LanguageC#


Simple HttpClient for interacting with TibetSwap.io API documented at https://api.v2.tibetswap.io/docs#/default, a port of the client that was created in https://github.com/KevinOnFrontEnd/SwapHunter



Add configuration to appsettings.json

TibetSwap Mainnet

  "TibetSwap": {
    "ApiEndPoint": "https://api.v2.tibetswap.io",
    "TokensEndpoint": "/tokens",
    "TokenPairEndpoint": "/pair",
    "QuoteEndpoint": "/quote",
    "RouterEndpoint": "/router",
    "TokenEndpoint": "/token",
    "OfferEndpoint": "/offer",

TibetSwap Testnet10

  "TibetSwap": {
    "ApiEndPoint": "https://api.v2-testnet10.tibetswap.io",
    "TokensEndpoint": "/tokens",
    "TokenPairEndpoint": "/pair",
    "QuoteEndpoint": "/quote",
    "RouterEndpoint": "/router",
    "TokenEndpoint": "/token",
    "OfferEndpoint": "/offer",


  • Import Tibby.Models
  • Inject ITibbyClient into required class.


  • GetPair(string pair). /
  • GetQuote(string pair, double amount_in, bool xch_is_input = true, bool estimate_fee = true). /quote/{pair}
  • PostOffer(string pairId, string offer, double donationAmount, string[] donationAddresses, string[] donationWeights). - /offer/{pair}
  • GetRouter() - /router
  • GetToken(string assetId). - /toke/{assetId}
  • GetTokenPairs(). - /Pairs

Helper Methods

The following methods are useful when accepting an offer on TibetSwap (e.g. posting to offers endpoint).

ConvertToMojos - Converts from XCH to Mojos GetInputPrice - Returns the amount of tokens your xch would return taking into account the Liquidity fee of 0.7%. getOutputPrice - Returns the amount of xch amount that is required to get your desired token amount taking into account the liquidity fee of 0.7%.