
Practice 2 of the Programming Languages subject at EAFIT University, consists of an RPN calculator in Haskell.

Primary LanguageHaskell


Practice 2 of the Programming Languages subject at EAFIT University, consists of an RPN calculator in Haskell, in which the following functionalities can be performed:

  1. Sum elements in RPN
  2. Subtract elements in RPN
  3. Multiply elements in RPN
  4. Split elements in RPN
  5. Square root of elements in RPN
  6. Get total average of elements in RPN
  7. Get total sum of elements in RPN
  8. Get total product of elements in RPN
  9. Get inverse of elements in RPN
  10. Make some conditions with the elements in RPN

Practice Members

- Kevin Quiroz Gonzalez

- Juan Esteban García


This practice was done Replit.com together with its built-in compiler GHCi Version 8.10.6