
Primary LanguageJavaScript



To create a resource I could not only show off to potential employers, but learn and improve my knowledge of the document API. I will be able to reuse this project by creating quiz cards of questions for each of the subjects I wish to review. It gives me a resource to continually improve upon. I learned a better understanding of the document, when to make use of calls, and how to create a interactive knowledge base.

User Story

AS A coding boot camp student
I WANT to take a timed quiz on JavaScript fundamentals that stores high scores
SO THAT I can gauge my progress compared to my peers

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN I am taking a code quiz
WHEN I click the start button
THEN a timer starts and I am presented with a question
WHEN I answer a question
THEN I am presented with another question
WHEN I answer a question incorrectly
THEN time is subtracted from the clock
WHEN all questions are answered or the timer reaches 0
THEN the game is over
WHEN the game is over
THEN I can save my initials and score


No Need to Install Just go to Link


Start FirstQuestion Correct Wrong End Hover Highscores


Helpful Links - Validate
Helpful Links - Page Navigation
Helpful Links - Sort by Obj Property


Coming Soon...