
Color Dynamo is an Android library that lets developers create styles and themes that can be changed dynamically. The library allows setting both background colors and text colors dynamically, as well as saving and loading "styles". The library includes two styles by default, dark and light.

Primary LanguageJava


Color Dynamo is an Android library that lets developers create styles and themes that can be changed dynamically. The library allows setting both background colors and text colors dynamically, as well as saving and loading "styles". The library includes two styles by default, dark and light.

Note: These are not standard Android styles and themes.

Backgound colors include:

  • Primary color
  • Secondary color
  • Accent Color
  • Navigation Bar Color
  • Button Color
  • Selected color

Text colors include:

  • Primary Text color
  • Secondary Text color
  • Navigation Item Color
  • Button Text Color.


To include the library in your project, add these lines of code. (These will be changed soon)

In the project build.gradle:

maven {
    url  "https://dl.bintray.com/kevinschildhorn/ColorDynamo"

In the module build.gradle:

compile(group: 'org.kevinschildhorn', name: 'colordynamo', version: '1.0.0', ext: 'aar', classifier: '')

To use ColorDynamo your Activities must extend CAActivity and your fragments must extend CAFragment.


Here is where you can set styles. There are also animated versions of these functions that will change the current style to the new style over the time duration.

To set the style to dark

void setStyleDefaultDark()
void animateStyleDefaultDark(int duration)

To set the style to light

void setStyleDefaultLight()
void animateStyleDefaultLight(int duration)

To set a custom style

void setStyleRes(int primRes, int secRes, int accRes, int primTextRes, int secTextRes)
void setStyle(int prim, int sec,int acc, int primText, int secText)

To refresh the activity (note this should be done automatically when entering the activity. Use this when loading or changing a style)

void repaintActivity()
void repaintActivityAnimated(int duration)


CAColors is a singleton model. It is used to save and load existing styles.

Getting singleton

getInstance(Context ctx)    // Note: Context is only required on first time use.

Saving/Loading Styles by name

void saveStyle(String name)
boolean loadStyle(String name)    // boolean returns whether it was successful or not

Removing styles

void removeStyle(String name)
void removeAllStyles()