This solution demonstrates a scalable, maintainable, readable and repeatable Automation Framework:
- Architecture Layers include Tests, Framework, Selenium Page Objects and Browser.
- Page Object Pattern - clear seperation of pages versus test cases and represtative of the application.
- All page classes contructors are called via a Single Generic type of page.
- See: SeleniumDemoFramework/Pages/Page.cs
- Allows webdriver to only be instatiated once versus the overhead of passing the driver from page to page.
- Test cases do not include hard coded data, variables or the need to perform instatiation of any object type.
- See: SeleniumDemoTests\SmokeTests.cs
- See: SeleniumDemoTests\Features\TopNavigationTests.cs
- This creates a type of Internal DSL where test cases are written and read as a user might perfrom them.
- Making test cases easy to write, simple to create, and maintainable.
- Test cases never manage the state.
- Extension Methods
- Data Generators
- KeyWord driven data via Excel
- Base Class which can be extended to handle Initializations before Test Suites are executed.
- Ideal for tracing Events such as realtime reporting of test case failure with wiating for full test run completion.
- Firefox installed
- Note: All selenium dependencies are included in the solution.
- Extract Zip to local drive
- Open: \packages\nunit_runnable\bin\nunit.exe
- Click File > Open project and open \SeleniumDemoTests\bin\Debug\SeleniumDemoTests.dll
- Select tests to run
- Click Run
* Visual Studio: 2015 or above
* Selenium WebDriver: 2.48.2
* NUnit 2.6.4
* SpecFlow: