TwitLonger Paraphraser - A Twitter Bot (soontm to be implemented) for when TwitLonger gets too Longer
No paraphrased text will ever maintain the exact details, intent, or content of the original text; and in some cases, such as with often highly-"jargonized" Twitlongers, this bot's paraphrasing may be... passable at best and unintentionally misleading at worse. If something sounds too good (or dumb) to be true, please please refer to the actual Twitlonger.
TwitLP is your best friend when you're, quite frankly, too lazy to click a link and read more than 280 characters. Don't worry, we get it. That's why TwitLP is here to make sure that your ever-shortening attention span can handle the latest Twitlonger on the timeline.
Using Google's Bard and some web scraping with Beautiful Soup, TwitLP aims to concisely summarize a TL back down to 280 characters.
Access a live Twitter-less demo of TwitLP hosted on HuggingFace: TwitLP
Build the Tweepy bot 🙄- Unfortunately, due to the nature of Twitter's API no longer being free for read-access, I've decided to let TwitLP hibernate until the Twitter API climate warms up a little (if ever).
Also, for similar reasons, TwitLonger itself is no longer active due to the API changes, so this project might best be summed up as a "fun exploration of what could be."